Bertel Thorvaldsens værk - kilder og kontekst. SLUTRAPPORT -
A Caricature of Oehlenschläger - A Danish Diplomats Time with Thorvaldsen in the Summer 1826
- A Dialogue with Classicism
- A Dispute between two Women about Thorvaldsen and his Posthumous Reputation
- A Free Man. Thorvaldsen's Continuance in Rome 1803-04
- A Friendship Seen Through the Visual Image of Text
- A la Carvelle
- A Letter to Thorvaldsen from H.C. Andersen
- A Monument to Freedom
- A Picture Caption for a Double Portrait
- A Piece of Jewellery à la grecque and its Master
- A Political Monument
- A Portrait of a Roman Emperor
- A Portrait of Copernicus from the Print Room of the Warsaw University Library
- A Roman Sketchbook
- A Sergel on the Skaw
- A Tarantella for Thorvaldsen
- A Turbulent House
- A Youth Portrait of Thorvaldsen
- Abildgaard and the Palace of King Christian VIII
- About Living or Dying »in Beauty«
- About Some Drawings of Thorvaldsen
- About Some Newly Identified Busts of Thorvaldsen. J.L. Thrane and Rosa Taddei
- About some Portrait Busts in Thorvaldsens Museum
- Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Exhibitions
- Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Residencies
- Account from 1965-1969
- Aladdin, Willumsen and Thorvaldsen
- Alberto or Bertel?
- Als die deutschsprachige Literatur in den Herzogtümern schleswig-holstenisch wurde
- Amanuenses
- An Ambiguous Monument
- An Ancient Jason Model and the Battle for the Golden Fleece
- An Antique Satyr in the Collection of Bertel Thorvaldsen
- An overstruck coin from Crete in the Thorvaldsens Museum
- Anima Beata
- Annual Report for Thorvaldsens Museum 1916-1917
- Art Movies in Thorvaldsens Museum
- Artist’s Portrait – Self-Portrait
- Artistic Freedom
- As a Gift
- Aspects of C. W. Eckersberg’s Youthful Years
- At Home in Rome: Competing Ideas of Home and At-Homeness in the Memorial Living Room at Thorvaldsens Museum
- Aus Thorvaldsens Jugendzeit
Baggesen zwischen Holger Danske und Hermann dem Cherusker - Baptismal Font to Brahetrolleborg Church
- Barbary States and Thorvaldsen
- Bertel Thorvaldsen and the Danish Artists in Rome
- Bertel Thorvaldsen. Thorvaldsen, sa Vie et son Oeuvre par Eugène Plon
- Bertel Thorvaldsen. Zu seinem hundertsten Todestag am 24. März 1944
- Bertel Thorvaldsen's Circle in Rome: the Russian Sculptor Samuil Hallberg
- Bills of Exchange
- Bindesbøll and the Polychrome Facades
- Bindesbøll's Museum
- Brera in Bertel Thorvaldsen’s Times
- Brick surfaces and profiles
- Bronzes of Antiquity, Something of the Most Superb
- Busts of Socrates and Apollo 1805-06
C.E.F. Weyse, Altona and Copenhagen - Caffè Greco: Art Temple, Post Office and Cosmopolitan Sanctuary
- Can Sonnes Frieze be Reconstructed in New Coloured Cement Rendering?
- Canonical measurements. Thorvaldsen’s Statue Jason with the Golden Fleece
- Casa Buti
- Castings From The Face Of Bertel Thorvaldsen
- Censorship
- Characterizations of Thorvaldsen
- Christian 8.'s Loan from Thorvaldsen
- Christian 8.'s Table Decoration
- Colour in Soane’s House
- Commission for Christiansborg
- Commission for the Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen
- Commission for the Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen
- Commission for the Copenhagen Town Hall and Courthouse
- Commission for the Danish Royal Family
- Commission for the Duke of Augustenborg
- Commission for the Monument of Thomas Maitland
- Commissions by Ludwig 1. of Bavaria
- Commissions, not Accepted and Unrealized
- Commissions, Survey
- Contemporary Reproductions of Thorvaldsen's Works
- Copernicus
- Cost of Living
- Critical Reflections on Thorvalds Museum as a Sign
Danish and German in Schleswig - Danish Golden Age - An International Perspective
- Danish Society in the Golden Age
- Dannecker and Thorvaldsen
- Dedication
- Demons of the Golden Age - Hans Christian Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard
- Den »tyske« Oehlenschläger
- Der Antikensaal von Charlottenborg
- Design and Handicraft at Charlottenborg in the 1830s
- Deutsche und dänische Malerei in der 1. Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts inhaltlich und formal verglichen am Beispiel der Landschafts- und Vedutenmalerei
- Dissection of a Superstar
- Does Art Need to Be So Heavy?
- Drawing Plaster Figures after Thorvaldsen
- Drawings presented to the Schubarts
- Drei etruskische Skarabäen
- Dying Lion (The Lucerne Lion) - a national-political monument with built-in controversy
Early Photographs of Greece 1850-1900 - Echoes of Antiquity: Thorvaldsen’s Collections as a Reservoir of Motifs
- Eckersberg a Roma
- Eckersberg's Diary 1813-16
- Eckersberg’s Pictures of Thorvaldsen’s Return to Copenhagen 17 September, 1838
- Eight Sculptures Defined by their Accessories
- Ein merkwürdiger Krieg, man schlägt sich todt ohne sich zu hassen
- Ein unerwünschtes Bild?
- Eine Zeichnung von Bertel Thorvaldsen
- Ekman's Portrait Bust
Facing the artist in Rome. Portraits of Bertel Thorvaldsen - Falsen's Commission
- Feverish Art Critic in the Archive
- Floor Collapse in Thorvaldsen's Workshop
- Flora Italica. When an Italian Flowery Meadow Visited Thorvaldsens Museum
- Four Drawings by Abildgaard
- Francesco Diofebi
- Frédéric Flachéron
- Freedom
- Fresh Eyes and New Voices. User Participation Communicating Thorvaldsen’s Collection of Antiquities
- Frieze Interior
- From afar - Private, Foreign and Public Relations in Thorvaldsen's Jason
- From Cloudless To A Thunderstorm
- From Genii to Angels and Back
- From Greece to Copenhagen. The itineraries of two reliefs
- Funerary Monument of Włodzimierz Potocki
- Funerary Monument to Vaccà Berlinghieri
Gates and windows - Glossary of Terms in Thorvaldsen's Workshop
- Goethes polemische Alternative zu Thorvaldsen
- Golden Days in Kiel
- Gotskalk Thorvaldsen's Admission at Vartov 1805
- Great-uncle Carl Bernstorff - A Child Portrait by Jens Juel
- Grundtvig and Copenhagen During Denmark's Golden Age
- Guten Tag, wo gehen Sie hin? Thorvaldsens Museum
History and Danish Golden Age Painting - History of the Archives
- Horneman
- How Sonnes New Frieze Came About – The Background
- How tall was Thorvaldsen?
I am a Friend of Difficulties or Kierkegaard Against the Coteries - I am Sorry if Something is Destroyed
- I Am Well and Beautifully Portrayed
- I colori acquistati dall'Eckersberg
- I Dream A World: The Ballets of August Bournonville
- Increasing the Holdings of the Museum
- Innerlichkeit veräußerlicht
- Inquiry from Thorvaldsens Museum to the Parliament
- Italian Abbreviations
- Italian Paintings of the 15th and 16th Centuries in the Thorvaldsen Museum
- Italienische Reise
- Ivory Works in Thorvaldsens Museum
JASON - Opus for two writers and choir - Jason and the Hope Commission
- Jason with the Golden Fleece as the Dissolution of Antiquity
- Jean-Marie-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867) and Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844)
- Johan Thomas Lundbye and the Danish Landscape
- Joseph Anton Koch’s “Lauterbrunnental” and Johan Christian Dahl
King of the arts – son of the people -
L’incendie de San Paolo fuori le mura - La statue équestre de Joseph Poniatowski
- Le paysage héroïque dans la collection de peintures Thorvaldsen, depuis les Elémens de P.H. de Valenciennes jusqu’à J.C. Dahl
- Le rhytme plastique de Thorvaldsen
- Les relations de Thorvaldsen avec la Pologne
- Letters Lost
- Life of Jesus in Thorvaldsen's Interpretation. Project Münchener Apostelkirche
- Live Model
- Look, the Museum Is Smiling
- Lost Works by Thorvaldsen
- Ludvig Albelin Schou's Chione: An interpretation of the myth
M.G. Bindesbøll’s Furniture in Thorvaldsens Museum - Mail Processing Time
- Man of Honour, Stig Miss
- Martens and Thorvaldsen
- Mayor Julius Hansen
- Meine Reise war nothwendig; der Erfolg hats gelehrt (1787)
- Memories of Sonne's Frieze
- Milan in Bertel Thorvaldsen’s Times
- Models, Modules etc. - The Redesign of the Museum Basement 2001-2007
- Monetary Units
- Montenero
- Museum Director Th. Oppermann
N.L. Høyen and Chr. J. Thomsen - National Internationalism - the Danish Golden Age Concepts of Nationality
- Nature and Art
- Neo-Antique Pyramids in Denmark
- New Acquisitions 1973-1977
- New Courtyard Pavement
- New Order
- Night & Day – and the Poets
- Norse Mythology in Thorvaldsen's Art - a Virtually Omitted Motive
- Not for Pleasure Alone and in Leisure Moments
- Nysø
On Familiar Terms with Thorvaldsen - On Genii and Angels in Thorvaldsen's Art
- On Letters and Writing
- On the Archives
- On the Cause of Thorvaldsen's Death
- On the Creation of Two Medallions and Their Symbolic Content
- On the history of style and an alternative frieze
- On the Restoration of Sonne's Frieze
- On the Results of the Archival Work
- On Thorvaldsen’s Women Sculptor Colleagues
- Otto Reedtz-Thott's commission of Hebe 1806
Paradigms of Golden Age Research - Demonstrated on a painting by Wilhelm Bendz - Pictures from Greece
- Poems Regarding the Death of Thorvaldsen
- Ponte Molle Society, The
- Portraits of Thorvaldsen
- Portraits per Template
- Postal Services
- Preface to the First Annual Report of Thorvaldsen's Museum
- Prolific Producer or Strategic Genius?
- Prometheus at Slotsholmen
- Provenance of Thorvaldsen's Self Portrait, 1794
- Purchase of Marble
- Putbus´ Commission
Recent acquisitions - Recent Acquisitions 1942-1959
- Recent Acquisitions 1962-1964
- Recent Acquisitions 1965-1969
- Recent Acquisitions 1970-72
- Recent Acquisitions and Gifts to Thorvaldsens Museum 1935-1942
- Reception of Thorvaldsen's Works
- Relics of a Friendship
- Renewal of the Copper Roof
- Renovation of the Exterior Parts of the Museum
- Report 1962-1964
- Report 1973-1977
- Report 1978-1981
- Report 1989-1993
- Report 1997-1998
- Report for Thorvaldsens Museum 1982-1988
- Report for Thorvaldsens Museum 1994-1996
- Report from 1. January 1970 - 31. December 1972
- Report from the Thorvaldsens Museum February 2008 to June 2011
- Report from the Thorvaldsens Museum, November 2003 to January 2008
- Report October 2001 to October 2003
- Report September 1998 - October 2001
- Restoration of the Sculptures from the Temple of Aphaia
- Restoring the Facades of the Thorvaldsen Museum 2001-2008
- Riminiscenze thorvaldseniane in Constantin Hansen
- Robert Risager - an interview
- Ropp's Commission 1804-05
- Rosenkrantz and Guildenstern in Hørsholm
- Russell's commission of 1815
- Römische Ringsteine im Thorvaldsen-Museum
Saxtorph's Bust - Schinkel and Thorvaldsen
- Schlesvig-Holstein as a Pioneer Region in The Unified State
- Schönborn's Commission and His Plans for a Thorvaldsen Gallery
- Selfportraits of Thorvaldsen
- Share Cultural Heritage
- Shifting of Attributes - a Fundamental Feature in Thorvaldsen
- Sigurd Schultz. The Director of the Museum 1932-1963
- Skizze, Atmosphäre und Bildgesetzlichkeit. Die unklassische Landschaft
- Sojourn in Denmark, 1819-20
- Some Recent Acquisitions
- Some remarks on the bust of Wilhelmine Benigna Biron
- Sonne's Frieze
- Sonne's Frieze
- Speech on the Archives
- Speech on the Catalogue June the 1st 2021
- Statue of Liberty for the USA
- Studi puggaardiani
- Survey of the Work of Arts Executed in Marble
Taler om Arkivet og Kataloget den 1. juni 2021 - Technology and Restoration
- The 2014 Conference on Thorvaldsen
- The Administration of Thorvaldsens Museum Through the 100 Years
- The Album of Friederike Brun
- The Alexander Frieze
- The Altarpiece That Was Never Painted
- The Artists' Friendship between Bertel Thorvaldsen and Maria Szymanowska
- The Brother’s Løffler
- The Building, The City and The Future
- The Busy Hands of Women
- The Ceiling Decorations of Thorvaldsens Museum
- The Classical Male Body - and Jason’s
- The country bumpkin and the donkey-rider in the service of art and freedom
- The Courtyard and the Frieze
- The Danish Prometeus
- The Decoration of the Vestibule at the University of Copenhagen, Frue Plads
- The Direction of the Museum 1845-1959
- The Etched Windows in Thorvaldsens Museum
- The Ethical Implications of Restoration
- The Evolution of a Sculpture. Thorvaldsen's Christ
- The Expanding Commonalty
- The Facade Paintings of Thorvaldsens Museum
- The Family Legacy of Thorvaldsen
- The Fate of Jason - On Thomas Hope, His Houses and Hobbies
- The first material of art. The Campana reliefs in the collections of Thorvaldsens Museum
- The Founders of the Nysø Collection
- The Freedom of Architechture
- The Frieze of Jørgen Sonne
- The Gates of Paradise
- The genesis of Jason with the Golden Fleece
- The Genius of the New Year as a self portrait
- The German Example
- The Grotesque and the Ceilings of Thorvaldsens Museum
- The heroic Dead and The living Hero
- The Human Figure in the Art of Thorvaldsen
- The Idle and the Wild
- The Impact of Italy on Danish Music
- The Incipient Breakdown of the Humanist-Christian Cultural Synthesis in Denmark
- The Inconstancy of the Classical Ideal
- The Invisible and the Visible
- The Journey to Denmark, August-September 1838
- The Journey to Denmark, July-October 1819
- The Journey to Denmark, October 1842
- The Journey to Italy 1796-1797
- The Journey to Munich and back, January-March 1830
- The Journey to Rome, August-December 1820
- The Journey to Rome, May-September 1841
- The Language in Thorvaldsen’s diary and early letters
- The Legacy of Thorvaldsen in 19th-Century Warsaw
- The Light in Thorvaldsens Museum
- The Lucerne Lion and its Background
- The Lucerne Lion as a Pathos-filled Souvenir
- The Madmad Moltke or Focus on Eccentricity
- The Maintenance of a Major European Work of Architecture
- The Melancholy Hero
- The Motive "The Night" in Villa Montalto in Frascati
- The New Galleries in Thorvaldsens Museum Basement by the Architect Jørgen Bo
- The old man and the cave
- The Only Price I Charge
- The Opening of the Museum 1848
- The Pictorial Expression of the Golden Age in Philosophical Perspective
- The Place of Sculpture in the 19th Century Museum of Art
- The Plaster Workshop in Thorvaldsens Museum
- The Politicization of Art in the 1840s
- The Presidency of Mayor Jensen
- The Remote, Isolated Church - The challenge to church history by the painters of the Golden Age
- The Renovation of the Museum
- The sandstones of the facades
- The Schleswig-Holstein Movement 1815-1848
- The Script for Christine Stampe's Memoirs on Thorvaldsen
- The Secret Agreement between the King of Artists and the Prince of Spongers. About the Archival Research at Thorvaldsens Museum
- The Self-View of the Golden Age and the Formation of the Concept of the Golden Age
- The Sharp Pen - Holger Drachmann and the School of Eckersberg
- The Song of Our Lord to the Congregation
- The Sorø School of Poets 1825-1850
- The Square in Front of Thorvaldsens Museum
- The Story of the Auguste Böhmer Monument
- The Structures in Thorvaldsens Museum
- The Thorvaldsen Frieze
- The Transformation of the Genres in the First Half of the 19th Century
- The Undertakings of the Museum 1932-1933
- The Undertakings of the Museum 1934-35
- The Vases on the Thorvaldsen Museum
- The Wills of Thorvaldsen
- The Zodiac in Thorvaldsen's works
- Themes in the exhibition 'White Christ. Christian motifs in Thorvaldsen’s oeuvre'
- Thetis
- Thorvaldsen Among Amateur Actors
- Thorvaldsen Among Slavs
- Thorvaldsen and Authors
- Thorvaldsen and Baltic Germans
- Thorvaldsen and Hans Christian Andersen
- Thorvaldsen and his Employees
- Thorvaldsen and His Ganymede and the Eagle
- Thorvaldsen and Poland
- Thorvaldsen and Raphael
- Thorvaldsen and the Academic Tradition
- Thorvaldsen and the Allegory
- Thorvaldsen and the Attitudes
- Thorvaldsen and the Church of Our Lady
- Thorvaldsen and the Invisible Landscape
- Thorvaldsen and the Land of His Birth
- Thorvaldsen and the Marble
- Thorvaldsen and Two Monumental Works for the USA
- Thorvaldsen as Freemason
- Thorvaldsen as Phidias or Praxiteles
- Thorvaldsen at Skovgaard
- Thorvaldsen Interpreted in the Light of Danish Sculpture of the 1980s
- Thorvaldsen und protestantische Ethik
- Thorvaldsen, Hansen and the Twelve Apostles
- Thorvaldsen, The Hero of Freedom
- Thorvaldsen's Album
- Thorvaldsen's Assistants
- Thorvaldsen's Atrium in Rome
- Thorvaldsen's Birthday 19.11.
- Thorvaldsen's Book Collection
- Thorvaldsen's Cohabitants in Casa Buti
- Thorvaldsen's Collection of Paintings − a Collection with a Significant Lack
- Thorvaldsen's Collection of Paintings. German and Italian Painters
- Thorvaldsen's Death
- Thorvaldsen's Depictions of Christ
- Thorvaldsen's Donation to Hans Henrik Gunnerus
- Thorvaldsen's Education
- Thorvaldsen's Four Prototype-Museums in Copenhagen
- Thorvaldsen's Funeral
- Thorvaldsen's Godchildren
- Thorvaldsen's Graces? No, Yours!
- Thorvaldsen's Hair
- Thorvaldsen's Hats
- Thorvaldsen's Honorary Titles
- Thorvaldsen's Illness 1803-04
- Thorvaldsen's Jason - Selected Bibliography on Jason
- Thorvaldsen's large workshop at Piazza Barberini
- Thorvaldsen's Letter Writing Process
- Thorvaldsen's Museum, Symbol and Interpretation
- Thorvaldsen's Numismatic Collection
- Thorvaldsen's Reliefs in Palazzo Giraud-Torlonia
- Thorvaldsen's Residence, Studio and Museum in the Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen
- Thorvaldsen's Residences
- Thorvaldsen's Roman Birthday 8.3.
- Thorvaldsen's Seal
- Thorvaldsen's Small Silver Head - A Ruined Tondo Portrait
- Thorvaldsen's small workshops at Piazza Barberini
- Thorvaldsen's Spoken and Written Language
- Thorvaldsen's Studio in Åbenrå
- Thorvaldsen's Transalpine Journeys
- Thorvaldsen's Watches
- Thorvaldsen's Wills
- Thorvaldsen's Works
- Thorvaldsen's Works as Postal Stamps
- Thorvaldsen's Works at Hams Hall
- Thorvaldsen's Works in Poland after the War
- Thorvaldsen's Works, Fixing Prices
- Thorvaldsen's Works, not at Thorvaldsens Museum
- Thorvaldsen's Works, Payment in Installments
- Thorvaldsen's Works, Prices
- Thorvaldsen's workshop in Vicolo delli Aliberti
- Thorvaldsen's Workshop Practice
- Thorvaldsen's Workshops
- Thorvaldsen's workshops in Via dei Cappuccini
- Thorvaldsen’s Christ - Interpreted by Grundtvig and Known all over the World
- Thorvaldsen’s Jason - Not the Jason of Antiquity
- Thorvaldsen’s Snake Ring - a Tease
- Thorvaldsen’s Works at Hams Hall Rediscovered
- Thorvaldseniana
- Thorvaldsens Death and Interment
- Thorvaldsens Entombment
- Thorvaldsens First Roman Period
- Thorvaldsens Funerary Monument for Arthur Potočki
- Thorvaldsens in Italien gesammelte Gemälde
- Thorvaldsens Museum - From Rome to Copenhagen
- Thorvaldsens Museum - Museum and Mausoleum
- Thorvaldsens Museum – Decorations and Room Arrangement
- Thorvaldsens Museum 100 Years
- Thorvaldsens Museum and Faaborg Museum
- Thorvaldsens Museum in Danger
- Thorvaldsens Museum in Danger - Once More
- Thorvaldsens Museum. The Cultural, Social, and Political Context, Including its Reception by the Press
- Thorvaldsens Museum’s Categories for the Description of Works of Art and Objects
- Three Dogmas About Portrait Busts
- Tilbygningen - a virtual expansion of Thorvaldsens Museum
- Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen
- Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1798 and 1802
- Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1825
- Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1828
- Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1833
- Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1835
- Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1838
- Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1839
- Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1842
- Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1844
- Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1845
Un album di Giuseppe Cades. Appunti di viaggio e disegni - Une gravure d’après Peyron retrouvée
Variations on a Theme - Christian VII’s Coronation Portrait by Peder Als - Venus Priapus
- Vicolo della Catena/Colonnette
- Vorontsova's Commission
We Consider Ourselves To Be Danish Citizens - Weights and Measures
- Welch Freudige Ueberraschung - Zu Bertel Thorvaldsens Besuch in Leipzig
- What Did Købke Really Think?
- What Is Classical?
- Whatever Became of Sophie?
- When Thorvaldsen Became A Freeman In Copenhagen
- Why Are There Portrait Busts at Thorvaldsens Museum?
- Why Jason?
- Why Jeff Koons? Why Thorvaldsen?
- Woman with Straw Hat
- Workshop Accounts
- Worshipping Thorvaldsen