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1896 (1841-42)
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Find Thorvaldsen's Sculptures in the Archives
Bacchus and Ariadne, A1
Bacchus, A2
Apollo, A3
Mercury about to Kill Argus, A5
Mars and Cupid, A6
Mars and Cupid, A7
Vulcan, A8
Vulcan, A9
Venus with the Apple, A12
Venus and Cupid, A13
Hercules, A14
Hercules, A15
Hercules, A16
Minerva, A17
Minerva, A18
Nemesis, A19
Asclepius, A20
Asclepius, A21
Cupid Triumphant, A22
Cupid Triumphant, Examining His Arrow, A24
Psyche, A26
Cupid and Psyche, A27
Cupid and Psyche, A28
Cupid and the Graces, A29
The Graces, A30
The Graces with Cupid’s Arrow, and Cupid Playing His Lyre, A32
Cupid with His Lyre, A33
Cupid with His Bow, A36
Hebe, A37
Hebe, A39
Ganymede Offering the Cup, A41
Ganymede Filling the Cup, A42
Ganymede Filling the Cup, A43
Ganymede with Jupiter's Eagle, A44
Ganymede with Jupiter's Eagle, A45
Goddess of Hope, A47
Victoria, Goddess of Victory, A48
Triumphant Muse and Cupid, A49
Jason with the Golden Fleece, A52
Adonis, A53
Pollux, A54
Caryatid, A55
Caryatid, A56
The Erythraean Sibyl, A57
The Cumaean Sibyl, A58
John the Baptist, A59
Youth, A60
Father with his son, A61
Mother With Her Child, A62
Old Scribe, A63
Reclining youth, A64
Boy, A65
Pharisee, A66
Hunter, A67
Two children, A68
Mother With Her Son, A69
Reclining Shepherd, A70
Roman warrior, A71
Youth, A74
Christ, A82
Christ, A83
Christ, A84
Christ, A85
Peter, A86
Matthew, A87
John, A89
James the Less, A91
Philip, A93
Jude Thaddaeus, A94
Andrew, A95
Thomas, A96
James the Greater, A98
Bartholomew, A99
Simon Zelotes, A101
Paul, A103
Paul, A104
Jude Thaddaeus, A105
Jude Thaddaeus, A106
Jude Thaddaeus, A107
Andrew, A108
Andrew, A109
Baptismal Angel Standing, A110
Baptismal Angel Kneeling, A112
Nicolaus Copernicus, A113
Johann Gutenberg, A114
The Invention of the Movable Types, A115
The Invention of the Printing Press, A116
Dying Lion (The Lucerne Lion), A119
Karl Philipp von Schwarzenberg, A120
Recumbent lion, A121
Recumbent lion, A122
Monument to Józef Poniatowski, A123
Monument to Józef Poniatowski, A124
Horse, for the equestrian statue of Józef Poniatowski, A125
Józef Poniatowski, A126
Monument to Maximilian I, A127
Horse, A128
Horse, for the equestrian statue of Maximilian I, A129
George Gordon Byron, A130
The Genius of Poetry, A131
George Gordon Byron, A132
The Genius of Poetry, A134
The Apotheosis of Friedrich Schiller, A135
The Genius of Poetry, A136
Goddess of Victory, A137
Friedrich Schiller, A138
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, A139
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, A140
Pius VII, A142
Heavenly Wisdom, A143
Divine Power, A144
The Coat of Arms of Pius VII, A145
Angel, A146
Angel, A147
Monument to Pius VII, A148
Conradin, A150
Christian IV, A152
Three Genii, A153
Włodzimierz Potocki, A155
Eugène de Beauharnais, A156
Genii of Life and Death, A157
Genii of Life and Death, A158
Kneeling angel, A159
Martin Luther, A160
Philipp Melanchton, A161
Bertel Thorvaldsen with the Goddess of Hope, A162
Caroline Amalie, A164
Jelizaveta Aleksejevna Osterman-Tolstaja, A166
Jelizaveta Aleksejevna Osterman-Tolstaja, A167
Seated lady, A168
Seated lady, A169
Maria Fjodorovna Barjatinskaja, A171
Maria Fjodorovna Barjatinskaja, A172
Georgiana Elizabeth Russell, A173
Jeanina Emilie Stampe as Psyche, A174
Pietro Alberto Paulsen as a Young Hunter, A175
Shepherd Boy, A177
Dancing Girl, A178
Dancing Girl, A179
Young Dancing Girl, A180
Young Dancing Girl, A181
Apollinaris, A186
Martin Luther, A188
Ludvig Holberg, A190
Frederik VI, A191
Marie Sophie Frederikke, A192
Caroline, A193
Vilhelmine Marie, A194
Christian (VIII) Frederik, A197
Caroline Amalie, A198
Frederik (VII), A199
Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Ludwig, A201
Juliane Sophie, A202
Christian Carl Friedrich August, A203
Christian Carl Friedrich August, A204
Friedrich August Emil, A205
Friedrich August Emil, A206
A.P. Bernstorff, A207
A.P. Bernstorff, A208
A.P. Bernstorff, A209
Henrik Hielmstierne, A210
Conrad Rantzau, A211
Adam Gottlob Detlef Moltke, A212
Hans Holsten, A213
Conrad Danneskiold-Samsøe, A214
Louise Danneskiold-Samsøe, A216
Christine Stampe, A217
Ida Brun, A218
Herman Schubart, A219
Jacqueline Schubart, A220
Frederik Siegfried Vogt, A221
Bertel Thorvaldsen, A223
C.W. Eckersberg, A224
Tyge Rothe, A225
Adam Oehlenschläger, A226
Caspar Bartholin, A227
J.C. Dahl, A229
Jørgen Knudtzon, A230
Hans Carl Knudtzon, A231
Ludwig (I), A232
Ludwig (I), A233
Clemens Metternich, A234
Clemens Metternich, A235
Karl Philipp von Schwarzenberg, A236
Wilhelm von Humboldt, A237
Giovanna Nugent, A239
Christoph August Tiedge, A240
Conrad Hinrich Donner, A242
Mrs. von Krause, A244
Karoline von Rehfues, A245
Alexander I, A246
Helen, A247
Maria Alekséjevna Narýsjkina, A248
Józef Poniatowski, A249
Maria Fjodorovna Barjatinskaja, A250
Napoleon Bonaparte, A252
Horace Vernet, A253
Horace Vernet, A254
Walter Scott, A255
George Gordon Byron, A256
George Gordon Byron, A257
Thomas Maitland, A258
George Granville Leveson Gower, A259
Edward Pellew, A260
William Cavendish-Bentinck, A261
Alexander Baillie, A262
Edward Divett, A263
Louisa Hope, A264
Henry Thomas Hope (?), A266
Mary Ann Montagu, A267
Eliza Glenorchy (?), A268
Julia Potocka, A269
Ercole Consalvi, A271
Giovanni Battista Sommariva, A272
Giovanni Battista Sommariva, A273
Giovanni Battista Sommariva, A274
Georg Wilhelm Wilding, A275
Catharina di Branciforte, A276
Marianna Florenzi, A278
Vittoria Caldoni, A279
Ghazi-ud-Din Haidar, A280
Vincenzo Camuccini, A282
John O'Brien (?), A284
Wriothesley Russell (?), A285
Charles James Patrick Mahon (?), A286
Júrij Aleksándrovitj Golóvkin, A288
George Hilaro Barlow, A289
Artur Potocki, A291
Nicolaus Esterházy, A293
François Gabriel de Bray, A300
Ivan Vorontsov (?), A302
John Campbell (?), A303
Jevdokija Ivanovna Golitsyna, A304
Jane Craufurd, A307
Marie Louise Playdeux (?), A310
Wilhelmine Benigna Biron, A312
Jupiter, Minerva, and Nemesis, A316
Hebe Pouring Nectar into Hercules' Bowl, A317
Hygieia Feeding Asclepius's Snake, A318
Minerva Adds a Soul to the Human Being Created by Prometheus, A319
Nemesis Reads Aloud the Deeds of the Human Beings to Jupiter, A320
Hebe Pouring Nectar into Hercules' Bowl, A321
Hygieia Feeding Asclepius's Snake, A322
Minerva Adds a Soul to the Human Being Created by Prometheus, A323
Nemesis Reads Aloud the Deeds of the Human Beings to Jupiter, A324
Clio. Muse of History, A328
Euterpe. Muse of Music, A329
Thalia. Muse of Comedy, A330
Melpomene. Muse of Tragedy, A331
Terpsichore. Muse of Dancing, A332
Erato. Muse of Love Poetry, A333
Polyhymnia. Muse of Religious Poetry, A334
Urania. Muse of Astronomy, A335
Calliope. Muse of Epic Poetry, A336
The Hovering Graces, A338
The Procession to Parnassus, A339
The Dance of the Muses on Helicon, A341
Muses of Tragedy and Comedy, A342
Apollo and the Shepherds, A344
Diana and Jupiter, A345
Mercury Brings Bacchus to Ino, A346
Mercury Brings Bacchus to Ino, A347
The Birth of Venus, A348
Pan and a Satyr, A352
Pan and a Satyr, A353
Bacchante and a Satyr, A354
Bacchante and a Satyr, A355
Satyr Dancing with a Bacchante, A357
Satyr Dancing with a Bacchante, A358
Victoria, Goddess of Victory, A362
Nemesis Attended by the Genii of Punishment and Reward, A364
The Fates, A366
Night, A369
Day, A370
Hygieia and Cupid, A373
Cupid Captured by the Graces, A376
Cupid in the Sky, A381
Cupid in the Sky, A382
Cupid at Sea, A383
Cupid in the Underworld, A384
Cupid Riding on a Lion, A388
Cupid Riding on a Lion, A389
Cupid Riding on a Lion, A390
Cupid Writing Jupiter's Laws, A391
Cupid Writing Jupiter's Laws, A392
Cupid, Jupiter, and Juno, A394
Cupid and Ganymede Play Dice, A395
Cupid and a Dog, A396
Cupid and a Dog, A398
Cupid and a Butterfly, A399
Cupid Drinking from Bacchus's Cup, A407
Cupid Drinking from Bacchus's Cup, A408
Cupid with a Swan and Boys Picking Fruit, Summer, A411
Cupid and Bacchus Stomp Grapes, Autumn, A413
Cupid by Anacreon, Winter, A415
Cupid by Anacreon, Winter, A416
Cupid Complains to Venus about a Bee Sting, A418
Venus, Mars, and Cupid in Vulcan's Smithy, A419
Venus, Mars, and Cupid in Vulcan's Smithy, A420
Cupid on a Swan, A421
Cupid on a Swan, A422
Leda and the Swan, A423
Shepherdess with a Nest of Cupids, A424
Shepherdess with a Nest of Cupids, A425
The Ages of Love, A426
The Ages of Love, A427
Cupid and the Sleeping Psyche, A428
Psyche and the Sleeping Cupid, A429
Cupid Reviving Psyche, A431
Venus Orders Cupid to Make Psyche Fall in Love with the Worst of Men, A433
Jupiter's Eagle Gives Psyche Water from the Styx, A443
Cupid and Psyche, A450
Cupid and Hymen, A451
Cupid and Hymen, A452
Cupid Garlands Hymen's Torches, A453
Cupid and Hymen Spin the Thread of Life, A455
Cupid's Swan Song, A456
The Flight of Latona, A458
Diana With Her Hind, A459
Diana Surprised at Her Bath, A460
Actaeon Torn by His Dogs, A461
Diana Killing Orion, A462
Orion Dying, A463
Daedalion Hovering over the Lifeless Chione, A464
Cupid Leading Diana to Endymion, A465
Endymion Asleep, A466
Nymph with Bow, A467
Nymph with Arrow, A468
Nymph and a Young Girl, A469
Nymph with a Torch and a Spear, A470
Hunting Nymph with Prey on her Spear, A471
Callisto, A472
Atalanta, A473
Meleager Defeats the Calydonian Boar, A474
Hero with a Slain Lion, A475
Adonis, A476
Narcissus and Cupid, A477
Apollo and Daphne, A478
Pan and Cupid, A479
Deianira Abducted by Nessus, A480
Deianira Abducted by Nessus, A481
Hylas Abducted by River-Nymphs, A482
Hylas Abducted by River-Nymphs, A483
Hylas Abducted by River-Nymphs, A484
Hylas Abducted by River-Nymphs, A485
Thetis Dipping Achilles in the River Styx, A487
Chiron Gives Achilles a Lesson in Spear-Throwing, A488
Briseis Is Led Away from Achilles by Agamemnon's Heralds, A489
Briseis Is Led Away From Achilles by Agamemnon's Heralds, A490
Briseis Is Led Away from Achilles by Agamemnon's Heralds, A491
Priam Pleads with Achilles for Hector's Body, A492
Ulysses Receiving the Arms of Achilles, A497
Ulysses Receiving the Arms of Achilles, A498
Hector with Paris and Helen, A499
Hector with Paris and Helen, A500
Hector Taking Leave of Andromache and Astyanax, A501
Homer Singing for the People, A502
Alexander the Great's Entry into Babylon, A503
Alexander the Great in His Triumphal Chariot, A504
Alexander the Great's Entry into Babylon, A505
Alexander the Great's Entry into Babylon, A508
Alexander the Great Provoked by Thaïs to Set Fire to Persepolis, A515
Alexander the Great Provoked by Thaïs to Set Fire to Persepolis, A516
A Genio Lumen (Art and the Genius of Light), A517
A Genio Lumen (Art and the Genius of Light), A518
The Genius of Light, A519
The Genius of Painting, A520
The Genius of Architecture, A521
The Genius of Sculpture, A522
The Genius of Sculpture, A523
The Genius of Sculpture, A524
Genii of Painting, Architecture, and Sculpture, A525
The Genius of Poetry, A526
The Genius of Poetry, A527
Genii of Poetry and Harmony, A528
Genius of Peace and Freedom, A529
The Genius of Government, A530
The Genius of Justice, A531
The Genius of Poetry, A532
The Genius of Tragedy, A533
The Genius of Comedy, A534
The Genius of Music, A535
The Genius of Dance, A536
The Genius of Government, A537
The Genius of War, A538
The Genius of Navigation, A539
The Genius of Trade, A540
The Genius of Medicine, A541
The Genius of Gardening, A542
The Genius of Agriculture, A543
The Genius of Astronomy, A544
The Genius of Religion, A545
Seven Genii, A546
Six Genii, A547
The Genius of the New Year, A548
Denmark, A550
Adam and Eve with Cain and Abel, A551
Adam and Eve with Cain and Abel, A552
Rebecca and Eliezer, A553
The Judgement of Solomon, A554
Three Hovering Angels, A555,3
Christ Blessing the Children, A555,4
Mary with Jesus and John, A555,2
The Baptism of Christ, A555,1
Mary with Jesus and John, A556
The Baptism of Christ, A557
The Institution of the Eucharist, A558
The Entry into Jerusalem, A559
The Road to Calvary, A560
The Resurrection, A561
Christ at Emmaus, A562
Christ at Emmaus, A563
Christ Assigns the Leadership of the Church to St. Peter, A565
Christ Blessing the Children, A566
The Annunciation, A569
Adoration of the Shepherds, A570
The Flight into Egypt, A571
Jesus as a Child in the Temple, A572
The Baptism of Christ, A573
The Entry into Jerusalem, A574
Luke, A581
Genii of Music Singing, A585
Genii of Music Singing, A586
Genii of Music Singing, A587
Genii of Music Singing, A588
Christmas Joy in Heaven, A589
Hovering Angels, A590
Hovering Angels, A591
Three Cupids, A592
Angel of the Last Judgement, A593
Angel of the Last Judgement, A594
Angel of the Last Judgement, A595
The Child's Guardian Angel, A596
Caritas, A597
Caritas, A598
Charity, Faith, and Hope, A599
Minerva, Truth, and Lie, A600
The Graces Listening to Cupid's Song, A601
The Graces Listening to Cupid's Song, A602
Hans Madsen and Johan Rantzau, A603
Abolition of Villeinage, A604
The Establishment of Provincial Consultative Chambers, A605
Justice, A606
Protection of the Arts and Sciences, A607
Two Genii Garland the Arts and Sciences, A610
Monument to Raphael, A611
Cardinal Ercole Consalvi restores the Papal Provinces to Pius VII, A612
Monument to Andrea Vaccà Berlinghieri, A613
Auguste Böhmer Gives Her Mother a Healing Drink, A614,2
The Genius of Death, A614,3
Nemesis, A614,1
Nemesis and the River God Arno, A615,3
Johann Philipp Bethmann-Hollweg's Sorrowing Mother and Sisters, A615,2
The Dying Johan Philipp Bethmann-Hollweg Receives a Wreath of Honor from His Brother, A615,1
Monument to the Two Poniński Children, A616
Monument to the Two Poniński Children, A617
Monument to Jacqueline Schubart, A618
Anna Maria Porro Serbelloni's Sorrowing Husbond and Children, A619
Monument to Charles Drake and Anne Garrard, A620
Monument to Jozefa Borkowska, A621
Monument to Anthony James Radcliffe, A622
Monument to Aloisia de Chaudoir , A624
Hovering Woman and the Genius of Death, A625
The Genius of Death, A626
The Genius of Death, A627
Children Praying, A628
Andrea Appiani, A629
Henrich Steffens, A633
Thorvaldsen with the Stampe Family, A636
Childhood or Spring, A638
Youth or Summer, A639
Manhood or Autumn, A640
Old Age or Winter, A641
Childhood or Spring, A642
Youth or Summer, A643
Manhood or Autumn, A644
Old Age or Winter, A645
Hunter on a Horse, A646
Nemesis, A700
Auguste Böhmer Gives Her Mother a Healing Drink, A701
The Genius of Death, A702
Auguste Böhmer, A703
Monument to Jacqueline Schubart, A704
The Dance of the Muses on Helicon, A705
Griffin and Lyre, A707
Lyre, A708
Alexander the Great in His Triumphal Chariot, A712
Alexander the Great in His Triumphal Chariot, A713
Alexander I, A715
Caroline Amalie, A716
George Gordon Byron, A717
Herman Schubart, A718
Jacqueline Schubart, A719
Wilhelmine Benigna Biron, A720
François Gabriel de Bray, A721
A.P. Bernstorff, A724
Christina Alexandra Egypta Bonaparte (?), A726
Marianna Florenzi, A727
Hymen, A731
The Baptism of Christ, A736
Christ Blessing the Children, A737
Thorvaldsen, Sommariva, and a Greek warrior, A738
Monument to Anthony James Radcliffe, A740
Giovanni Battista Sommariva, A741
Andromeda Abducted by Perseus, A742
Numa Pompilius and Egeria, A748
Hercules and Omphale, A749
Homer, A751
Raphael, A752
Christian (VIII) Frederik, A753
Caroline Amalie, A754
Cupid Resting, A756
Euterpe, A757
Terpsichore, A758
Agrippa, A759
Cicero, A760
Cicero, A761
Maximilian I, A762
Sophie Dorothea Høyer, A763
Friedrich Schiller, A770
Bertel Thorvaldsen with the Goddess of Hope, A771
Priam Pleads with Achilles for Hector's Body, A775
Achilles Holding the Dead Penthesilea, A777
Dancing Girl, A778
Actaeon Torn by His Dogs, A779
Cupid Complains to Venus about a Bee Sting, A780
Baptismal Angel Kneeling, A781
Genius, A785
Cupid with His Lyre, A786
C.W. Eckersberg, A788
Adonis, A789
Adonis, A790
Włodzimierz Potocki, A794
Cupid Drinking from Bacchus's Cup, A797
Jacob Baden, A802
Ida Brun, A810
Wilhelmine Benigna Biron, A811
Herman Schubart, A812
Jacqueline Schubart, A813
A.P. Bernstorff, A817
Cupid with His Bow, A819
Psyche With the Jar of Beauty, A821
Jason with the Golden Fleece, A822
Thomas Hope, A823
Louisa Hope, A824
Henry Thomas Hope, A825
Adrian John Hope, A826
Cupid by Anacreon, Winter, A827
A Genio Lumen (Art and the Genius of Light), A828
Heliodorus Driven out of the Temple, A829
Peter and John Healing a Lame Man, A830
The Fisherman, A831
Hand, A850
Christoph August Tiedge, A851
Elisabeth von der Recke, A852
Venus with the Apple, A853
Ganymede Offering the Cup, A854
A.P. Bernstorff, A856
Caroline, A857
Nicolaus Copernicus, A858
Frederik VI, A859
Marie Sophie Frederikke, A860
Karoline von Rehfues, A861
Jacob Baden, A863
Cupid Reviving Psyche, A866
Napoleon Bonaparte, A867
Elisabeth von der Recke, A869
Hebe, A870
Mercury about to Kill Argus, A873
Hebe, A874
Hebe, A875
Ludvig Holberg, A876
Rosa Taddei, A877
Elisabeth von der Recke, A879
Jacob Laurids Thrane, A881
Alexander I, A883
Horace Vernet, A884
Vittoria Caldoni, A886
Ghazi-ud-Din Haidar, A887
Georg Wilhelm Wilding, A890
Catharina di Branciforte, A891
George Hilaro Barlow, A892
Thomson Henry Bonar, A893
Cupid and the Graces, A894
Shepherd Boy, A895
Holger Christian Reiersen, A896
Charlotte Kirstine Reiersen, A897
Jane Craufurd, A898
Mathias Saxtorph, A899
Edmund Bourke, A900
Night, A901
Day, A902
Mathias Saxtorph, A903
Elisabeth Christine Saxtorph, A904
Night, A905
Day, A906
Child's head, A907
Head of an angel, A908
Napoleon Bonaparte, A909
Childhood or Spring, A910
Cupid and the Graces, A911
Cupid Resting, A914
Venus with the Apple, A916
Shepherd Boy, AX5
Monument to Johann Gutenberg, AX39
Monument to Maximilian I, AX40
Monument to Friedrich Schiller, AX42
Monument to Józef Poniatowski, AX43
Monument to Nicolaus Copernicus, AX44
Asclepius, AX76
Nemesis, AX77
Minerva, AX78
Alexander the Great’s Entry into Babylon, AX79
Shepherd Boy, AX110
Cicero, AX164
Briseis Is Led Away from Achilles by Agamemnon's Heralds, AX357
Venus with the Apple, AX358
Briseis Is Led Away from Achilles by Agamemnon's Heralds, AX379
Hector Taking Leave of Andromache and Astyanax, AX380
Hector with Paris and Helen, AX381
Priam Pleads with Achilles for Hector’s Body, AX382
Ulysses Receiving the Arms of Achilles, AX383
Venus, Mars, and Cupid in Vulcan's Smithy, AX384
Alexander the Great in His Triumphal Chariot, AX385
Cupid, Jupiter, and Juno, AX386
Hylas Abducted by River-Nymphs, AX387
Baptismal Font, AX436
Cupid Triumphant, AX441
Conradin, AX443
Monument to Eugène de Beauharnais, AX464
Sappho, AX501
Apollo Belvedere, AX502
Bacchus, AX503
Homer, AX504
Venus de' Medici, AX505
Melpomene, AX506
Jupiter Otricoli, AX507
Apollo and the Shepherds, AX639
Christ, AX651
George Gordon Byron, AX682
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