Poems on Works of Thorvaldsen
See also: Poems for Thorvaldsen · Thorvaldsen and Authors
Friederike Brun
Brun’s poem to Thorvaldsen’s Jason begins with a rhetorical question: Can it really be true that ...
David Ferdinand Koreff
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Koreff teases Thorvaldsen for not having written or sent the drawings he had promised. He asks th...
G.L. Lahde, Adam Oehlenschläger
The commentary to this document is not available at the moment.
B.S. Ingemann, Børge Henrik Knap
The commentary for this document is not available at the moment.
B.S. Ingemann
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Excerpt of Ingemann’s Reiselyren, which describes some of Thorvaldsen’s works.
B.S. Ingemann
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Two poems to Night, A901, and Day, A902. In “Night”, the stars, the moon, and a landscape are evo...
Jens Baggesen
Bertel Thorvaldsen
In this stanza, Baggesen compares his own poetry with Thorvaldsen’s sculpture; the art of b...
Frederik Schmidt
Bertel Thorvaldsen
The commentary to this poem is not available at the moment.
Adam Oehlenschläger
Bertel Thorvaldsen
The commentary for this song is not available at the moment.
Franz von Elsholtz
Bertel Thorvaldsen
The commentary for this poem is not available at the moment.
Jens Baggesen
Poem about the monument Dying Lion (The Lucerne Lion) , cf. A119, at Lucerne.
Redaktørerne ved Archiv for Psychologie, Historie, Literatur og Kunst
Two quotations about Thorvaldsen from German newspapers: from Berlinische Zeitung and a poem by J...
Jens Baggesen
Poem about Thorvaldsen’s Dying Lion, cf. A119. The lion is described as powerful, though w...
Emmanuele Paparo
The commentary to these poems is not available at the moment.
Pietro Sterbini
Bertel Thorvaldsen
The commentary to this dedication and poem is not available at the moment.
Georg Christian Braun, Gutenberg-kommissionen
Bertel Thorvaldsen
The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.
H.C. Andersen
H.C. Andersen’s story about Cupid and Anacreon, possibly inspired by Thorvaldsen’s relief with th...
Luigi Biondi, Gustav Pfizer
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Andreas Munch
Poem in 14 stanzas about a young and inquisitive poet’s meeting with art. In “The Castle” he is s...
H.V. Kaalund
Bertel Thorvaldsen
The commentary for this poem is not available at the moment.
Antagelig 1839-1840, senest 1843
Adam Oehlenschläger
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Oehlenschläger writes a poem to accompany the poem he has written as an illustration of Thorvalds...
Antagelig 1839-1840, senest 1843
Adam Oehlenschläger
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Oehlenschläger’s poem written as an illustration of Thorvaldsen’s relief The Ages of Love, A426. ...
N.F.S. Grundtvig
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Through the Icelandic legendary figure of Vølund in the song, Grundtvig establishes a connection ...
H.C. Andersen
Bertel Thorvaldsen
The commentary to this poem is not available at the moment.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 10th part of 60 in all.
Adam Oehlenschläger
Bertel Thorvaldsen
A poem to Thorvaldsen on the occasion of his Roman birthday.
Adam Oehlenschläger
Caroline Amalie, Christian 8.
Poem to King Christian 8. and Queen Caroline Amalie on the occasion of their silver anniversary 2...
H.C. Andersen
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Jolly drinking song with drumming on the table between the stanzas. Thorvaldsen has come to Nysø ...
August Kopisch
Bertel Thorvaldsen
The commentary for this document is not available at the moment.
Joseph Balthasar Ulrich
Bertel Thorvaldsen
The commentary for this poem is not available at the moment.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 48th part of 60 in all.
H.C. Andersen
Bertel Thorvaldsen
The commentary to this poem is not available at the moment.
Henrik Hertz
Poem inspired by Thorvaldsen’s reliefs Night, A901 and Day, A902.
N.F.S. Grundtvig
The commentary for this poem is not available at the moment.
Redaktørerne ved Den Frisindede
The commentary for this document is not available at the moment.
J.L. Heiberg
J.L. Heiberg’s prologue for the ceremony at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen 9.4.1844, commemorati...