Documents in which Elise Stampe is mentioned
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 1st part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 3rd part of 60 in all.
Summer 1839, Christmas 1841 & 1844
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 17th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 8th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 4th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 7th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 59th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 13th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 14th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 19th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 20th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 24th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 25th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 28th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 32th part of 60 in all.
Heinrich Steffens
Christine Stampe
The commentary to this document is not available at the moment.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 33th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 34th part of 60 in all.
H.P. Holst
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Poster with a humorous advertisement for a humorous play at the ”unroyal theatre” with the full c...
H.P. Holst
Christine Stampe, Elise Stampe, Bertel Thorvaldsen
A birthday song, in which the first toast is addressed to Thorvaldsen and the following two to Ch...
Hans Puggaard
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Puggaard writes that they have put the roof tree on Thorvaldsens Museum. He and a few others have...
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 36th part of 60 in all.
After 1.2.1842, before 15.2.1842
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Christian 8.
Sixth draft of the letter dated 15.2.1842. The draft is considerably longer than the final letter.
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Christian 8.
Thorvaldsen confirms receipt of the letter saying that a frigate will be sent to Italy in order t...
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 38th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 37th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 39th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 40th part of 60 in all.
Christian Dalgas
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Dalgas encloses a letter to Elise Stampe, who is confined to her bed. He thanks Thorvaldsen for t...
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 42th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 43th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Stampe is much agitated and writes that she misses Thorvaldsen so much that she feels ill and urg...
Henrik Stampe, Holger Stampe-Charisius
Christine Stampe
The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.
Heinrich Steffens
Christine Stampe
The commentary to this document is not available at the moment.
Heinrich Steffens
Christine Stampe
The commentary to this document is not available at the moment.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 53th part of 60 in all.
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 54th part of 60 in all.