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25.3.1822 Becomes a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Trondheim.
25.3.1830 Arrives in Rome.
25.5.1830 Elected honorary member of the Verein von Künstlern und Kunstfreunden, Nuremberg.
25.3.1837 Thorvaldsen donates plaster casts to the Stuttgart Art School.
24.3.1839 The Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen, is reopened with the completed decorations, i.e. the newly installed marble sculptures by Thorvaldsen.
24.3.1839 Thorvaldsen is godfather to Hermann Ernst Freund’s daughter in the Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen. The Baptismal Angel Kneeling, cf. A112, is being used for a baptism for the first time.
23.3.1844 N.L. Høyen delivers his famous lecture On the Conditions for the Development of a National Art in Scandinavia in the Scandinavian Society in Copenhagen. Thorvaldsen is mentioned as a particularly Nordic artist. A song by H.P. Holst is sung in the sculptor’s honour, and he is toasted in absentia.
25.3.1844 Thorvaldsen’s death mask, L668, is taken by Venanzio Orlandi.