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19.7. - 2.8.1824 Commission for a portrait bust of the late baron Unico von Dörnberg. It is not known whether the bust was executed.
Presumably 19.7. - 23.7.1839 Trip to Møn with Adam Oehlenschläger and Hans Puggaard.
19.7.1839 Attends the 80th birthday of the merchant Christopher Friedenreich Hage at Stege. A large number of guests arrive from Copenhagen with the steam boat Queen Marie.
19.7.1841 Celebrated by young artists from Munich at a party in Knorr’s beer cellar in Marsfeld. Poems and a play are performed.
20.7.1841 Om formiddagen audiens hos kronprins Maximilian (2.) i München.
19.7.1842 Evening party with tombola at Thorvaldsen’s place in Casa Buti.
19.7.1843 Horace Vernet calls in vain on Thorvaldsen in his home at Charlottenborg in Copenhagen.