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Not later than 1793 Models a portrait of the painter Nicolaus Wolff. Whether a medaillon or a bust is unknown.
Presumably 1793 Johanne Cathrine Rosing, A816.
1793 Mother and Two Children, A750.
1793 The Children of Simon Jensen, A766, and A769.
1793 Charlotte Kirstine Reiersen, A897.
1793 Eleonora Maria Jensen, A765, and A768.
1793 Elisabeth Christine Saxtorph, A904.
1793 Holger Christian Reiersen, A896.
1793 Louise Augusta, A818.
1793 Matthias Saxtorph, A903.
1793 Michael Rosing, A815.
1793 Simon Jensen, A764, and A767.
June - July 1793 Peter and John Healing a Lame Man, Nysø127r. Sketch for A830.
June - July 1793 Peter and John Healing a Lame Man, Nysø127v. Sketch for A830.
June 1793 - 7.8.1793 Peter and John Healing a Lame Man, A830.
14.8.1793 Awarded the large gold medal of the Academy of Fine Arts, F35, for the relief Peter and John Healing a Lame Man, A830.
Autumn 1793 Member of Det dramatiske-literaire Selskab, known as Borups Selskab (The Dramatic and Literary Society, Borup’s Society).
30.12.1793 Awarded a one-year scholarship of 100 rix-dollars by the Academy of Fine Arts. The scholarship was known as the “The copperplate engraver’s pension” (Kobberstikker-Pensionen).