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3.4.1803 Meets Friederike and Ida Brun in the Villa Borghese gardens. Asks Ida to perform artistic poses (attitudes) with the words “oh! just some poses” (“o kuns nogle Stillinger!”).
2.4.1819 Attends a birthday dinner for Jacob Brønnum Scavenius at The Ermine in Piazza di Sciarra in the company of Peder Brønnum Scavenius, Jacob Fibiger, P.O. Brøndsted, N.C. Lunzi, Hermann Ernst Freund, Peder Hjort, B.S. Ingemann, C.A. Jensen and Rud Bay.
3.4.1819 Clemens Metternich visits Thorvaldsen’s workshop.
3.4.1819 An exhibition with German and Nordic artists opens in Palazzo Caffarelli in Rom. Thorvaldsens The Graces and Cupid, cf. A29, was featured in the catalogue, but not exhibited.
3.4.1829 Grand Duchess Helene of Russia most probably visits Thorvaldsen’s workshop in the afternoon.