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6.3.1827 Receives a commission for a sketch of a monument to Andrea Vaccà Berlinghieri for Campo Santo in Pisa, plus a relief, A613, and a portrait medallion of Vaccà Berlinghieri.
Not later than October 1827 Composition drawing of the monument to Andrea Vaccà Berlinghieri, location unknown.
Summer 1828 Monument to Vaccà Berlinghieri, A613.
1829 Monument to Vaccà Berlinghieri, cf. A613, and the portrait medallion of Andrea Vaccà Berlinghieri are executed in marble for Campo Santo, Pisa.
February or March 1830 Rejser muligvis over Pisa for at bese Andrea Vaccà Berlinghieris gravmonument, jf. A613, på Campo Santo.
14.2.1830 Andrea Vaccà Berlinghieri’s monument is unveiled in Campo Santo, Pisa, without Thorvaldsen’s attendance.
5.10.1833 H.C. Andersen sees in Campo Santo in Pisa Thorvaldsen’s newly erected funerary monument to Andrea Vaccà Berlinghieri, cf. A613