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4.6.1809 Nicolai Abildgaard dies at Sorgenfri (near Copenhagen). Thorvaldsen hears about his death for the first time in a letter from Herman Schubart, 27.7.1809.
Middle of July 1813 Stays in Florence.
26.7.1813 Arrives at Montenero.
25.7.1819 Arrives in Milan. Stays at hotel Reichmann on Corso di Porta Romana.
Beginning of September 1827 The merchant ship Therese leaves Copenhagen bound for Tunis with a cargo of tributary gifts for Al-Husayn II ibn Mahmud.
Begun summer 1833 - completed 28.6.1834 The monument Johann Gutenberg, A114, is executed by H.W. Bissen under Thorvaldsen’s supervision.
27.7.1839 From Sorø to Nysø with Christine Stampe and her family.
Not later than 27.7.1840 From Nysø to Copenhagen.
27.7.1840 Attends a meeting at the Academy of Fine Arts.
29.5.1841 Arrival in Berlin.
30.5.1841 Meets with a deputation from the Kunstverein in Berlin and presents his latest works by the means of line engravings.
At 12 o’clock a concert with the pianist and composer Fanny Hensel.
30.5.1841 Visits Friedrich Wilhelm 4. at Schloss Schönhausen in the evening; also present are H. Steffens, C.D. Rauch and A.W. Schlegel. Dinner at the house of H. Steffens and then goes to the theater to watch Oberon written by Carl Maria von Weber (1786–1826).
3.6.1841 Banquet with Berlin artists and scientist in the Jagorscher Saal in Unter den Linden. A portrait bust of Thorvaldsen is crowned with laurels by the statue of Victoria by Christian Daniel Rauch. Speeches and poems are performed. Present are Peter von Cornelius, August Wilhelm Schlegel and others.
6.6.1841 Leaves Berlin.
12.6.1841 In the evening, a gala performance in the Court Theatre in Dresden, hosted by Friedrich August 2. of Saxony, with an epilogue in Thorvaldsens’s honour. Subsequent banquet at the theatre.
22.6.1841 Attends a “musical celebration” at 1 o’clock p.m., arranged by Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, followed by dinner at the Hôtel de Saxe in Leipzig.
22.6.1841 Leaves Leipzig.
Presumably 27.7.1841 From Zürich to Goldau.