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4.5.1807 Elected honorary member of the Accademia Italiana. It is uncertain whether the membership was confirmed.
Completed January 1808 The plaster model of Mars Bringing Peace is completed, cf. Ferdinando Mori’s drawing D174. This figure of Mars later formed part of the group Mars and Cupid, A7.
Not later than 14.1.1808 The drawing The Virgin with Jesus and John is executed for Herman Schubart’s birthday, private collection, Sanderumgaard, Funen.
14.1.1808 Herman Schubart’s birthday is celebrated in Thorvaldsen’s apartment in Rome, but without Schubart’s presence. The party is arranged by J.L. Lund.
18.1.1815 In the Teatro Argentina with Samuel Rogers and others.
18.1.1830 Receives a written request from H.W. Bissen for the loan of the bust of Christian (8.) Frederik to be executed in marble (cf. A753 og A197), commissioned by Joseph Hambro.
22.1.1830 Leaves Rome bound for Munich in the company of the Prussian count, jurist, and diplomat Karl von Voß-Buch.
18.1.1839 Dines at the home of J.S. Møsting in the company of Joseph Hambro, the zoologist J. Reinhardt (1776-1845), the philologist Carl Christian Rafn, Johan Gunder Adler, C.W. Eckersberg, and others.
18.1.1840 Christian 8. commissions a statue of Christian 4., cf. A152, for Roskilde Cathedral.
18.1.1840 Thorvaldsen pays tribute to Christian 8. six weeks after his accession to the throne. Thorvaldsen excuses himself on the plea that he has been at Nysø and also had a bad foot.