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Christian 8.'s Table Decoration

See Related Articles on this subject: Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1825 · Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Exhibitions · Christian 8.'s Table Decoration

See also: Transportation of Thorvaldsen's Artworks to Copenhagen 1825 · Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Exhibitions · Thorvaldsen and Danish Kingship


Jørgen Koch

Christian 8.

Hermann Ernst Freund and Pietro Tenerani will soon begin modelling two small figures probably for...

Efter 30.4. og før 11.5. 1820

Hermann Ernst Freund

Bertel Thorvaldsen

The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Christian 8.

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Describes the inauguration of the monument Dying Lion (The Lucerne Lion), cf. A119, in Lucerne, w...

Antagelig januar-februar 1824

Johan Gunder Adler

Hermann Ernst Freund

The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Johan Gunder Adler

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Payment of the biannual interest of 225 scudi on the loan of 9000 scudi, which Christian (8.) Fre...


Johan Gunder Adler

Hermann Ernst Freund

The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Johan Gunder Adler

Bertel Thorvaldsen

The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Johan Gunder Adler

Hermann Ernst Freund

The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Johan Gunder Adler

Hermann Ernst Freund

Freund is put in charge of the packing of those of Thorvaldsen’s artworks which are to be ...


Christian 8.

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Christian (8.) Frederik sends a list of those of Thorvaldsen’s artworks that he wants to be...


Hermann Ernst Freund

Bertel Thorvaldsen

List of those of Thorvaldsen’s artworks which were put on board the brig St. Croix in order...


Johan Gunder Adler

Hermann Ernst Freund

The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Johan Gunder Adler

Hermann Ernst Freund

The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.