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Weights and Measures

See Related Article on this subject: Weights and Measures

See also: Monetary Units


Hans West

Christian 8.

The commentary for this document is not available at the moment.



Christian 8.

The commentary for this document is not available at the moment.



Christian 8.

The commentary for this document is not available at the moment.


Luigi Basiletti

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Basiletti writes to Thorvaldsen about the sculpture Ganimede with Jupiter’s Eagle, cf. “A44...


Georg Wilhelm Wilding

Bertel Thorvaldsen

The Prince of Butera has asked for 100 sequins to be paid to Thorvaldsen and hopes that they have...


Heinrich Keller

Karl Pfyffer von Altishofen

Keller writes that the model for Dying Lion (The Lucerne Lion), cf. A119, is much admired. He is ...

Efter 1825

Franciszek Maria Lanci

Anna Potocka

Lanci has made a drawing of the only place in the Wawel Cathedral in Cracow at their disposal for...


Verein für Schiller's Denkmal

Bertel Thorvaldsen

The Schiller Association commissions a monument to the poet Friedrich Schiller. The Association w...


Verein für Schiller's Denkmal

Bertel Thorvaldsen

The members of the Association are delighted with the news that Thorvaldsen is favourably dispose...


Bertel Thorvaldsen

Helena Ponińska

With this contract, Thorvaldsen undertakes to execute a sepulchral monument to Helena Ponińska’s ...


John Gibson

Henry Sandbach

The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.


Jørgen Dalhoff

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Receipt for payment of clay, iron, and iron bands delivered in March, April, and May 1843 for the...


Jørgen Dalhoff

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Receipt for payment of clay, iron, and iron bands delivered in March, April, and May 1843 for the...