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1794 Olav Olavsen, drawing, location unknown.
7.11.1796 The frigate Thetis leaves Malta and heads for Tripoli.
7.11.1818 Visit from B.S. Ingemann and Frederik Schmidt in his workshop.
Not earlier than 30.10. - not later than 2.11.1820 Meets with Franz 1. and Alexander 1. during the congress of Troppau.
5.11.1820 Arrives in Vienna, and lodges at the hotel Zum Erzherzog Karl in Kärntnerstrasse 31.
6.11.1820 Franziska Caspers and Thorvaldsen meet in Vienna. The first of many.
7.11.1833 H.C. Andersen visits Thorvaldsen’s studios and sees Psyche in plaster, A26, and George Gordon Byron in marble, cf. A130.
7.11.1843 Er sandsynligvis til stede ved et mindre selskab hos Johanne Luise og J.L. Heiberg i København.