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Portrait Drawings, Contemporary Persons


Bertel Thorvaldsen

NN, Bertel Thorvaldsen

A text on friendship on the back of a drawing by Thorvaldsen depicting a reading couple.


H.A. Schmidt

H.A. Schmidt

Schmidt tells that Thorvaldsen has made his portrait.

Presumably not later than January 1798

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Accounts or lists, possibly regarding Agrippa, cf. A759, and other works by Thorvaldsen.


Jørgen West

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Jørgen West asks what to do about the bust of Tyge Rothe, A225, which is in the care of Nicolai A...

Tidligst 10.2.1809

Friederike Brun


Friederike Brun visits Georg Zoëga on his deathbed. She mentions a portrait of Zoëga that Thorval...


Olav Olavsen

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Olavsen recommends H.E. Freund to Thorvaldsen. He sends a ring with Freund in order to thank Thor...


Guillaume Bertrand-Favre

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Bertrand-Favre cancels his commission for two bas-reliefs because they will be placed too high o...


Olav Olavsen

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Olavsen asks if Thorvaldsen has received the ring he sent him via H.E. Freund. He reminds the scu...


John Hay

Bertel Thorvaldsen

At the request of a respectable person known to them both, Hay asks Thorvaldsen to return some le...


Terkel Mørch


Mørch writes about his youth in Borup’s Society and about Thorvaldsen’s visits to his...


Antolka Hiller

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Hiller asks Thorvaldsen to postpone their appointment until the following day as Henri Lehmann ha...