Documents from/to Paolina Bergonzi to/from others than Thorvaldsen


Paolina Bergonzi

Paolo Tosio

Paolina sends news to her husband. A letter has arrived from Luigi Basiletti, which encloses anot...


Paolina Bergonzi

Paolo Tosio

Paolina misses her husband, whose return has been delayed, but she is pleased to hear that he and...


Paolina Bergonzi

Paolo Tosio

Paolina writes that Franz I will not come through Brescia on his journey to Milan. She tells Tosi...


Paolina Bergonzi

Paolo Tosio

Paolina sends news about the positive reception in their home in Brescia of the marble version of...


Paolina Bergonzi

Paolo Tosio

Paolina writes that Basiletti has completed his drawing of Thorvaldsen’s sculpture Ganymede with ...