

Bertel Thorvaldsen

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Thorvaldsen is grateful for the commission for the Alexander Frieze and two caryatids for Christiansborg Palace.


Rom den 1e August 1818

Jeg har med største Glæde modtaget den SkrivelseI som den Kongelige Bygnings Comission har beæret mig med, under den 20 af f.M. Intet i Verden kunde være mig mere smigrende, og tillige behageligere end at beskiæftige mig for min KongeII, og mit Fædreneland, og den Maade paa hvilken Hs Majestæt har værdiget at antage det ForslagIII, som Hs Excellence Geheim Raad Baron v SchubartIV giorde paa mine Vegne til Hs Høyhed Prinds ChristianV, opfylder mine kiereste Ønsker.
Desværre traf Comissionens Brev mig SygVI, men dette Brevs Indhold har opmuntret mig, og jeg vil ufortøvet begynde paa dette betydelige ArbeideVII som Hans Majestæt har bestilt hos mig. Til CariatiderneVIII har jeg to skiønne Stykker Marmor, og paa disse skal strax blive begynt, til den store FrisIX har jeg skriven til Cararra om det fornødne Marmor, saa jeg haaber at kunde fuldføre dette Arbeide i tre Aar, og hvad Betalings TerminerneX angaaer, da kan disse fastsættes efter Kongens og Comissionens Velbehag. Da nu den Godde Baron v Schubart har betroet mig at han har ansøgt om en Kongelig Tilladelse, at tilbringe næste Vinter i Kiøbenhavn, og tillige har foreslaaet mig at have den Glæde, i hans Sælskab at giøre en kort ReiseXI til Fædrenelandet, saa har jeg med største Fornøyelse dette hans Tilbud antaget for endnu engang føren jeg døer, at giensee mine Danske Venner, og det Kiære Fødeland. Jeg vil imidlertiid foranstalte alt til at ingen Tid tabes her i mit Værksted, og at dette saavel som flere betydelige ArbeiderXII som jeg har under Hænder kan gaae deres Gang som om jeg selv var tilstæde.

Jeg beder Comissionen at være fuldkomen overbeviist om, at ved at antage det bestilte Arbeide, i et Øyeblik hvor jeg har saa mange og saa vigtige under Hænder, har jeg ingen anden Hensigt, end den at kunde overbevise min Konge og mit Fædreneland om, hvor inderlig jeg er Dem hengiven, og hvor gierne jeg ønsker at Dannemark maatte besidde mit yndlings arbeide. Jeg skal udføre noget som kan være værdigt at pryde vor skiønne Konge BorgXIII

A Thorvaldsen

Oversættelse af dokument

Rome, August 1st 1818

With the greatest pleasure I have received the favour of the 20th last month with which the Royal Building Commission has honoured me. Nothing in the world could be more flattering and agreeable to me than occupying myself for my King and my native land and the way in which His Majesty has vouchsafed to accept the proposal which His Excellency Geheimraad [titular Privy Councillor] Baron v Schubart made on my behalf to His Highness Prince Christian fulfils my most cherished wishes.
Unfortunately the Commission’s letter reached me when I was ill, but the content of this letter has enlivened me and without delay I will begin this considerable work which His Majesty has commissioned from me. For the Caryatids I have two beautiful pieces of marble, and I shall immediately begin these, for the Frieze I have written to Carrara for the marble necessary, so I hope to be able to finish this work in three years, and as for the terms of payment, these may be appointed as the King and the Commission please. As the kind Baron v Schubart now has told me that he has petitioned for a royal permission to spend next winter in Copenhagen and besides has suggested to me the pleasure to make a short journey to the native land in his company, I have with delight accepted his offer in order to see again before I die my Danish friends and the dear native land. In the meantime I shall arrange everything so that no time is lost here in my workshop, and so that this as well as several important works which I have in hands can take their course as if I myself were present.

I beg the Commission to be completely convinced that by accepting the commissioned work at a moment when I have so many and so important works in hands I have no other intention but convince my King and my native land how sincerely I am attached to you and how much I wish Denmark to possess my favourite work. I shall execute something which may be worthy as ornament on our beautiful Royal Palace

Most humbly,
A Thorvaldsen.

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

There are three drafts of this letter:

Document Type

Færdigt egenhændigt dokument

Archival Reference

m28, nr. 12


Gengivet hos Thiele II, p. 377-379.




A55 Karyatide, 1813, inv.nr. A55
A56 Karyatide, 1813, inv.nr. A56
A503 Alexander den Stores indtog i Babylon, marts 1812 - juni 1812, inv.nr. A503


  1. Cf. letter dated 20.6.1818 from the Building Commission for Christiansborg Palace to Thorvaldsen.

  2. I.e. the Danish King Frederik 6.

  3. Cf. letter dated 9.5.1818 from Herman Schubart to Christian (8.) Frederik.

  4. The Danish diplomat and baron Herman Schubart.

  5. The Danish Prince Christian (8.) Frederik.

  6. Thorvaldsen had suffered from pneumonia and depression in the summer of 1818.

  7. I.e. Alexander the Great’s Entry into Babylon (the Alexander Frieze), marble version, 1818-1833. Christiansborg Palace. The frieze was badly damaged in the fire of 1884. See instead A503.
    See also the article The Commission for Christiansborg.

  8. Caryatids, marble versions, the great hall, Christiansborg Palace, were destroyed in the fire of 1884, cf. A55 and A56.

  9. I.e. Alexander the Great’s Entry into Babylon (the Alexander Frieze), marble version, 1818-1833. Christiansborg Palace. The frieze was badly damaged in the fire of 1884. See instead A503.
    See also the article The Commission for Christiansborg.

  10. The price of the Alexander Frieze and the two caryatids totalled 15,000 species, cf. letter dated 9.5.1818 from Herman Schubart to Christian (8.) Frederik.

  11. See the subject Thorvaldsen’s Journey to Denmark, July-October 1819.

  12. Among other things, Thorvaldsen had just signed a contract regarding the execution of an equestrian statue of the Polish hero Józef Poniatowski, cf. A123.

  13. I.e. Christiansborg Palace.

Last updated 19.02.2020