Bertel Thorvaldsen
Rødt laksegl med aftryk af planteornamentik i indramning.
Poststempel: T.T. HAMBURG 12. Nov. [33]
Jonas Collin
Tilskrift: Høivelbaarne / Hr Conferentsraad Collin / Deputeret i Finantserne, p.p.
Udskrift: S.T. / Hr Conferentsraad Collin / Deputeret i Finantserne, / Commandeur af Dannebroge, Dan/nebrogsmand etc. etc. etc. / Copenhague / Dannemarc / Per / Hambourg.
Dateringen fremgår af brevet.
Thorvaldsen asks Collin to help him deposit a sum of 20,000 species [40,000 rix-dollars] in the National Bank in Copenhagen for his daughter Elisa on the occasion of her marriage with Fritz Paulsen. The money is to be deducted from the sum that the Danish state owes Thorvaldsen as payment for various works commissioned for the Church of Our Lady and Christiansborg Palace.
Kiære høitagtede Hr Conferentsraad Collin
De er maaskee underrettet om, at det var min Bestemmelse at tiltræde min HiemreiseI til Danmark kort efter Kongelige SkibsII Afgang fra LivornoIII med de indtagede Konstsager:IV da imidlertid uforudseete Hindringer have giort mig det umuligt og jeg endnu i nogen Tid maa forblive i Rom, saa tilgiv mig min ærede Ven, at jeg ved disse Linier udbeder mig Deres godhedsfulde Hielp i et Anliggende, som jeg haabede allerede nu at kunde have mundtlig raadført mig med Dem om. Jeg har nemlig ved min DattersV BryllupVI med Oberstlieutenant PaulsenVII bestemt hende en MedgiftVIII af 20,000 Species;IX hvilken Sum dog urokkeligen bør hensættes i Nationalbanken i KiøbenhavnX og Renterne aarlig tilfalde hende og hendes Afkom, men i Tiden i Tilfælde at hverken hun eller Nogen af hendes Afkom existerer, bruges i Overeensstemmelse med hvad jeg i mit TestamenteXI har fastsat.
Det er nu mit Ønske, at disse Penge maatte udredes af hvad jeg hiemme har tilgode hos den danske Regiering for de af mig forfærdigede Konstværker, af hvilke alene Frisen “Alexanders Triumf”XII og Statuen ChristusXIII overstiger den ovenanførte Sum. Det er derfor at jeg, ganske ubekiendt med Fremgangsmaaden i saa Henseende, tyer til min ærede Ven, med Bøn om, at De venskabelig vil indlede denne Sag for mig, da dens sikkre og betimelige Afgiørelse vilde glæde mig meget. Jeg ønsker af Hiertet en Leilighed, hvorved jeg kunde være istand til at vise Dem al venskabelig Gientieneste, og beder Dem kiære Hr Conferentsraad atter at undskylde den Uleilighed, som jeg foraarsager Dem. Jeg henlever med sand Agtelse og Venskab
Rom d: 26de October 1833.
PS: Jeg har i Dag i den Anledning TilskrevetXIV H:K: Høihed Prinds ChristianXV
Deres ærbødige
Dear Konferensråd Collin,
You have perhaps been informed that it was my decision to begin my home journey to Denmark shortly after the royal ship’s departure from Leghorn with the taken in works of art. However, as unforeseen obstacles have made it impossible for me and I must stay in Rome still more time, then forgive me, most honoured friend that by these lines I ask for your kind help with a problem about which I hoped already now to have consulted you verbally. You see, at my daughter’s marriage to lieutenant-colonel Paulsen I decided for her a marriage portion of 20,000 Species, which amount should be placed immovably in the National Bank in Copenhagen and the interest annually go to her and her issue, but in time, should neither she nor any of her issue exist, it should be spent according to the stipulations in my will.
It is now my wish that this money be paid from what I have owing to me from the Danish government for the works of art made by me of which only the frieze “Alexander’s Triumph” and the statue of Christ exceed the abovementioned sum. Completely unfamiliar with the practice in that respect I therefore turn to my honourable friend with an entreaty that you will kindly begin this matter for me as its safe and timely settlement would please me immensely. I wish from my heart an opportunity at which I might be able to return the service, and ask you again dear Konferensråd to excuse the trouble I give you. I am with true respect and friendship
Rome, October 26th 1833
PS: I have today written to H.R. Highness Prince Christian in this connection.
Yours faithfully,
[Translated by Karen Husum]
Ludvig Bødtcher
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Alexander den Stores indtog i Babylon, marts 1812 - juni 1812, A503 |
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Kristus, Antagelig november 1821 - Senest januar 1822, A82 |
Last updated 24.02.2020
Thorvaldsen was planning to travel to Copenhagen in the autumn of 1833, but the journey was postponed, cf. the subject Cancelled Journeys to Denmark. It was not before August-September 1838 that he did undertake this journey, cf. the article Thorvaldsen’s Transalpine Journeys.
I.e. the corvette Galathea.
Cf. the Thorvaldsen chronology Not earlier than 8.8.1833.
65 crates with Thorvaldsen’s works, cf. the article Transportation of Thorvaldsen’s Artworks to Copenhagen 1833.
Thorvaldsen’s daughter Elisa Paulsen.
Cf. the Thorvaldsen chronology 25.12.1832.
See also documents regarding the subject Elisa and Fritz Paulsen’s Marriage.
The Danish lieutenant-colonel Fritz Paulsen.
Cf. documents regarding the subject Elisa Paulsen’s Dowry.
I.e. 20000 species or 40,000 rix-dollars in silver, cf. documents regarding the subject Elisa Paulsen’s Dowry.
Cf. Nationalbanken i Kjøbenhavn.
Cf. Thorvaldsen’s will dated 8.8.1830.
Alexander the Great’s Entry into Babylon (the Alexander Frieze), marble, Christiansborg Palace, cf. A503, cf. the article Commission for Christiansborg.
Christ, marble version, the Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen, cf. A82, cf. the article Commission for the Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen.
Cf. letter dated 26.10.1833 from Thorvaldsen to Christian (8.) Frederik.
The Danish Prince Christian (8.) Frederik.