No. 8454 of 10319
Sender Date Recipient
Charles Robert Cockerell [+]

Sender’s Location


3.4.1840 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet

Bertel Thorvaldsen [+]

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift.


Cockerell recalls his meeting with Thorvaldsen in Rome 23 years before, and he is delighted with Thorvaldsen’s success and fame. Their mutual friend Brøndsted has promised to deliver the letter to Thorvaldsen.

See Original

Bank of England 3 april 1840.

My dear Chevalier.

There are now 23 years since in Rome I received from you many tokens of regard & kindness, which I can never forget. During this long period I have watched with great interest the recognition throughout Europe, of that reputation, which had been long before appriciated by your friends. & finaly after enriching by this reputation, & by the splendid dedication of your works [to] your native country, you have been received there, in a way which has reverted the adage, as which respects the Prophet in his own Land.
But what has also especialy excited my own admiration & esteem, is the fidelity & singleness with which you have devoted yourself to the great cause of art – the cause according to our masters the Greeks, of the good as well as the beautiful – the Tukalor[?], equaly significant of both. Your conduct no less than your talents have given credit to that cause, & call for the respect of all society as more especialy of artists. I rejoice to hear that health & wealth have accompanied this happy work of yours, & I have not despair of once again shaking your worthy & your able hand. If you come amongst us you will find many of your own works, & the Elgin marbles worth the trouble & many of our brotherhood who know your value.
Our dear Brondsted promises to convey you these lines with every expression of respect & admiration, & every hope for the long continuance of that fame & happiness which you have so hardly earned & so richly deserve.
& I remain Ever
My Dear Chevalier

Your attached & admiring Friend
C.R. Cockerell.

Your drawing of Chiron & Achilles is now before me.

Archival Reference
m23 1840, nr. 10
Last updated 15.10.2020 Print