Bertel Thorvaldsen
Tilskrift: Til Den høje Slots-Commission
Udskrift: Til den Høje Slotsbygnings-kommission i Kiøbenhavn par Hambourg Copenhague Danemarc.
Dateringen fremgår af brevet.
Thorvaldsen expresses his gratitude for two letters from the Building Commission for Christiansborg Palace and for Frederik VI’s commission of four statues for Christiansborg Palace. He has contemplated going to Copenhagen in the autumn of 1832 but has to postpone his departure until the spring of 1833 for professional reasons. Among other things, he wants to see the apartment in Copenhagen where the four statues are to be placed in other to do a better job. In conclusion, he writes that the Alexander Frieze, cf. A503, Christ, cf. A82, Baptismal Angel, cf. A112, Baptismal Font, cf. A555,1-A555,4, and John the Baptist Preaching, cf. A59-A70, will be ready to be shipped to Copenhagen in the spring of 1833.
I Løbet af dette Aar har jeg af den høje Slotscommission imodtaget tvende meget ærede Skrivelser: den Første med Datum af 21de. AugustI og den Sidste dateret 23 October samme AarII. I den første Skrivelse meddeler den hoje Commission mig Hans Majestæt KongensIII allernaadigste Resolution i at overdrage mig Udførelsen af fire StatuerIV, bestemte til at pryde det GemakV i Christiansborg-Slot, hvor Friesen Alexanders TriumfVI skal hensættes, og forlanger desangaaende min Erklæring med Hensyn til Statuernes Størrelse og deres Priis; den senere Skrivelse af OctoberVII underretter mig i Forbindelse med den FørsteVIII om at en Fregat ventelig vil afgaa i Foraaret 1833 til Middelhavet, og at denne Leilighed tillige kunde benyttes til at hjemføreIX de af mine for Danmark bestemte Arbeider, som ere fuldførte: den hoje Commission ønsker derfor at vide, hvad jeg til den Tid kan bortsende, og i hvilken Havn, jeg anseer det for mest hensigtsmæssigt at Skibet indløber.
Allerede for længe siden havde jeg indsendt mit ærbødigste Svar paa ovenanførte meget ærede Breve, dersom jeg ikke havde havt det høist sandsynlige Haab, i dette EfteraarX at kunde foretaget en Reise til Kiøbenhavn og saaledes personlig at kunde have ordnet det Fornødne; imidlertid indtraf uforudseet Hindringer, som medtog Tiden og gjorde mig min Plan i den sildige Aarstid umulig: jeg beder den høje Commission at antage denne Omstændighed som en fyldesgjørende Aarsag i at jeg først nu indsender mit pligtskyldige Svar.
Med Hensyn til den hædrende Overdragelse af Udførelsen af de fire Statuer, da vilde jeg gjerne at der fra min Side intet skulde mangle for at Arbeidet tilfredsstillende kunde svare, saameget det staar i min Magt til den gode Virkning høje VedkommendeXI vente sig deraf, og da jeg føler med hvor meget mere Sikkerhed jeg kan naa dette Maal, efter at have gjort mig selv bekjendt med alle Locale Omstændigheder: saa tillade den høje Slots Comission mig, istedet for alt andet Svar, ærbødigst at meddele Samme: at jeg uden for al Tvivl til ForaaretXII foretager min længe ønskede Reise til Kiøbenhavn, og at jeg haaber, at der for denne Gang intet skal hindre mig, som et Menneske er istand til at forebygge.
Med Hensyn til den høje Commissions sidste ærede SkrivelseXIII, da vilde det vel være bekvemest, dersom Omstændighederne tillode det omtalte Skib at indløbe i Livorno og det vilde glæde mig ved denne Leilighed at kunde hjemsende følgende Arbeider: 1) En Deel af Friesen: Alexanders Triumf;XIV 2) ChristusXV, 3) Tvende DøbefontXVI, og 4) Hele FrontespicenXVII til Frue Kirke i Terra cotta. –
Jeg takker slutteligen den høje Slots-Commission for Dens bestandig hædrende Opmærksomhed imod mig og forbliver med dybeste Høiagtelse:
Rom d: 24de. Novembr: 1832.
Albert Thorvaldsen
During this year I have received two favours from the high Building Commission: the first of August 21st and the last one of October 23rd the same year. In the first one the high Building Commission informs me of His Majesty the King’s most gracious decision to assign to me the execution of four statues intended to adorn the apartment in Christiansborg Palace, where the frieze Alexander’s Triumph is to be placed, and demands my statement respecting that, as regards the size of the statues and their prices; the later favour of October informs me in connection with the first one that a frigate probably will leave in spring 1833 for the Mediterranean and that this opportunity also might be used to carry home those of my works intended for Denmark, which have been finished: the high Building Commission therefore wishes to know what I can send off at that time and which port I consider it most suitable for the ship to enter.
Already long ago I should have sent my respectful answer to the abovementioned favours, if I had not cherished the probable hope of being able to make a journey this autumn to Copenhagen and thus in person had been able to do the needful; however, unexpected obstacles occurred, which occupied time and made my plan impossible at the late time of the year; I beg the high Building Commission accept this circumstance as a satisfactory cause for not sending an answer dutifully until now.
As regards the honourable assignment of the execution of the four statues, I wish that nothing on my part should want in the work being able to come up to the good effect the high person concerned expects from it, and as I feel that I with much more certainty can achieve this aim having acquainted myself with local conditions: then may the high Building Commission for Christiansborg Palace permit me instead of another answer most respectfully to inform the same: that no doubt I shall make my long wished for journey to Copenhagen in spring and that I hope that nothing which can be prevented by man will this time prevent me.
As regards the last favour from the high Commission it would be most convenient if circumstances permitted the ship in question to enter into Leghorn and I should be pleased on this occasion to be able to send home the following works: 1) part of the Frieze: Alexander’s Triumph; 2) Christ, 3) two baptismal fonts, and 4) the entire pediment for the Church of Our Lady in terra-cotta.
Finally I thank the high Building Commission for its constantly honourable attention and I remain with the most humble respect:
Rome, November 24th1832.
Most humbly,
Albert Thorvaldsen
[Translated by Karen Husum]
Ludvig Bødtcher
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Alexander den Stores indtog i Babylon, marts 1812 - juni 1812, A503 |
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Kristus, Antagelig november 1821 - Senest januar 1822, A82 |
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Dåbens engel knælende, Antagelig 1829, A112 |
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Kristi dåb, Tidligst 1804 - 1805, A555,1 |
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Maria med Jesus og Johannes, Tidligst 1806 - Senest 1808, A555,2 |
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Tre svævende engle, Tidligst 1806 - Senest 1808, A555,3 |
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Kristus velsigner børnene, Tidligst 1806 - Senest 1808, A555,4 |
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En jæger, Tidligst oktober 1822, A67 |
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Johannes Døberen, Tidligst oktober 1822, A59 |
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En ung mand, Tidligst oktober 1822, A60 |
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En søn med sin far, Tidligst oktober 1822, A61 |
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En mor med sit barn, Tidligst oktober 1822, A62 |
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En gammel skriftklog, Tidligst november 1821 - Senest oktober 1822, A63 |
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En liggende dreng, Tidligst november 1821 - Senest oktober 1822, A64 |
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En dreng, Tidligst oktober 1822, A65 |
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En farisæer, Tidligst november 1821 - Senest oktober 1822, A66 |
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To børn, Tidligst november 1821 - Senest oktober 1822, A68 |
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En mor med sin søn, Tidligst oktober 1822, A69 |
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En hyrde, Tidligst november 1821 - Senest oktober 1822, A70 |
Last updated 07.04.2017
Cf. letter dated 21.8.1832 from the Building Commission for Christiansborg Palace to Thorvaldsen.
Cf. letter dated 23.10.1832 from the Building Commission for Christiansborg Palace to Thorvaldsen.
The Danish King Frederik 6.
The four statues were never realized, cf. the article the Commission for Christiansborg.
I.e. the Middle Room between the Great Hall and the Guard’s Room on the royal floor, later called “Thorvaldsen’s Apartment”.
Alexander the Great’s Entry into Babylon (the Alexander Frieze), marble, Christiansborg Palace. The frieze was severely damaged in the 1884 fire, cf. the article the Commission for Christiansborg Palace.
Cf. letter dated 23.10.1832 from the Building Commission for Christiansborg Palace to Thorvaldsen.
Cf. letter dated 21.8.1832 from the Building Commission for Christiansborg Palace to Thorvaldsen.
Cf. the article Transportation of Thorvaldsen’s Artworks to Copenhagen 1833.
Thorvaldsen planned to return to Copenhagen in the autumn of 1832, but the return was postponed several times and not begun until 5.8.1838. See documents regarding the subject Cancelled Journeys to Denmark.
The Danish King Frederik 6.
In spite of this assurance, Thorvaldsen did not come to Copenhagen until 17.9.1838.
Cf. letter dated 23.10.1832 from the Building Commission for Christiansborg Palace to Thorvaldsen.
Alexander the Great’s Entry into Babylon (the Alexander Frieze), marble, Christiansborg Palace. The frieze was severely damaged in the 1884 fire, cf. the article the Commission for Christiansborg Palace.
Christ, marble, the Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen, cf. A82.
John the Baptist Preaching, terracotta, the pediment of the Church of Our Lady, cf. A64, A63, A62, A61, A60, A59, A65, A66, A67, A68, A69, A70, cf. the article the Commission for the Church of Out Lady, Copenhagen.