Bertel Thorvaldsen
C.F.F. Stanley
Ingen udskrift.
De to brevudkast er svar på Stanleys brev af 22.10.1804, hvor han lykønsker sin ven med udnævnelse til professor på Kunstakademiet i Firenze og også beder Thorvaldsen oplyse sin adresse. Begge emner berører Thorvaldsen i disse brevudkast, og de kan derfor dateres til slutningen af oktober 1804, jf. bl.a. postekspeditionstider mellem Napoli og Rom.
Brevudkastene er sandsynligvis mere præcist være skrevet før 27.10.1804, da Thorvaldsen ikke nævner pestudbruddet omkring Livorno, som han i brevudkastet af 27.10.1804 til Herman Schubart er meget bekymret over.
Han ville sandsynligvis ellers have omtalt epidemien, da han vidste, at Stanleys sygdom gjorde ham mere udsat for epidemier, jf. Stanleys udsættelse af sin Rom-rejse af netop denne grund, se brev af 13.11.1804. Og da Thorvaldsen direkte opfordrer Stanley til at komme til Rom i nærværende brevudkast, er det sandsynligt, at han på tidspunktet for brevskrivningen endnu ikke havde hørt noget om pestudbruddet.
Ergo skal de to udkast sandsynligvis dateres til efter modtagelsen af Stanleys brev af 22.10.1804 og før 27.10.1804.
In two draft letters Stanley is thanked for his congratulations on Thorvaldsen’s appointment as professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. Thorvaldsen invites his friend to come to Rome and stay with him.
Med fornoelse har ieg modtagit det morsomme BregI og jeg er ves paa at mit valII glæder dig og met Profásse[r]skab meere enn ieg selv[,] den enienst GlædeIII jeg harfD deraf var at læse det du har sk[r]even mig til de[r]om, jeg kjender ikke anden Glæde en[d] at have helbredIV
Du skal have tak for di du Lystelig Brev, ieg er ves paa at [det] glæder deg mere en[d] det kan Glæde [mig]
en god Ven og en liden Sum Penge orlegenV[,] naar jeg havde det saa ha ieg ieg [sic] alt, naa[r] man har Alt saa beheaverVI man ikk mer[,] den sag er Soleklar, alsaa bort med alt det øvrige [der] ikk duer og kom geør ende paaVII og kom enngan[g] hertelVIII Rom og del glæde[?] og Sorg med den Ven som venter deg m[e]d[?] smede[?] ieg[?] boede[?]IX –––– jeg[?] og her kan du boe haer migX, kan vi ekk forlie[s] samme[n] saa eller du ikk skulde have nokXI saa [er] det let at finde en ande[n] Logi
[At the top of the page, left:]
I have received your enjoyable letter with pleasure and I am certain that my election pleases you as well as my professorship more than myself, the only pleasure I have had from this was to read what you have written to me about it, I know no other pleasure but enjoying health
[At the top of the page, right:]
Thank you very much for your amusing letter, I am certain that [it] pleases you more than it can please [me]. A good friend and a small sum of money annually, when I had that, I I [sic] have everything, when you have everything you need no more, that is crystal clear, so away with all the rest that is no good and come finish [your stay] and come here to Rome some time and share joy and sorrow with the friend who awaits you with [?] I [?] lived [?] –––– I [?] and here you can stay with me, if we cannot get on well together so or you should not have sufficient, it will be easy to find lodgings somewhere else.
[Translated by Karen Husum]
These two drafts are answers to Stanley’s letter of 22.10.1804.
The writing is quite difficult to decipher, and Thorvaldsen’s spelling is, as usual, very liberal. Thiele’s transcription and Øjvind Andreasen’s from the 1940s in the museum archives differ in several details from the one given here. The problems of deciphering are marked here by question marks in square brackets.
The drafts are found on the back of the drawing C530r. On the same side as these two drafts, there are another three drafts to Anna Maria Uhden, one bill and Thorvaldsen’s lists of clothing, etc.
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Caritas med tre børn, 1804, C530r |
Last updated 29.06.2015
I.e. the letter from Stanley of 22.10.1804.
I.e. my election as professor at the Academy of Art in Florence, of which Thorvaldsen was informed in a diploma of 23.9.1804.
Thorvaldsen is remarkably pragmatic about his professorship, considering that it was the first appointment of this kind that he had received.
Regarding this, see Thorvaldsen’s Illness 1803-04.
Dvs. årligen, årligt.
Stavemåden er sandsynligvis et udslag af ordblindhed og en slags lydskrift præget af Thorvaldsens lavkøbenhavnske sociolekt, se mere om hans talte dansk her.
>Apparently Thorvaldsen had modest requirements regarding his physical comfort.
Modesty is said to have been a prominent characteristic in Thorvaldsen, see “subject heading regarding this.
Some words are missing, but Thorvaldsen must mean that Stanley should end his long stay in Naples and come to Rome.
Dvs. hertil.
It is difficult to make sense of the text here, but Thorvaldsen has probably intended to write where he lives. Stanley had repeatedly asked him to give him his address in Rome, e.g. letter of 22.10.1804.
Thorvaldsen must mean that he and Stanley would share the apartment in Casa Buti.
This passage makes it almost certain that Stanley moved into Casa Buti when he came to Rome “probably 9.1.1805”:/kronologi/vis/2131, but whether he stayed in the same apartment as Thorvaldsen or occupied other rooms is not known.
No matter what, Stanley was staying in Casa Buti at the time of his death 18.11.1805.
This may mean ‘have enough money’ to pay the rent at Casa Buti or maybe ‘have enough space’ in the room(s) that Thorvaldsen had intended for him.