Documents in which Adamo Marcuori is mentioned
Herman Schubart
C.F.F. Stanley
Thorvaldsen is at Montenero, and Schubart writes enthusiastically about The Dance of the Muses on...
Herman Schubart
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Schubart reports that Thorvaldsen’s portrait busts of himself and Jacqueline Schubart, A718...
Herman Schubart
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Schubart wants to know if Thorvaldsen will accept the commission of Baptismal Font, cf. A555,1. B...
Herman Schubart
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Schubart writes that Charlotte Schimmelmann is satisfied with Thorvaldsen’s sketch of Bapti...
Herman Schubart
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Schubart writes that The Dance of the Muses on Helicon, cf. A705, and the portrait busts of himse...
Herman Schubart
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Schubart hopes that Thorvaldsen has arrived safely in Rome. He mentions the mortally ill Caspar B...