At Sorø Academy. The students sing a song to Thorvaldsen by B.S. Ingemann.
Primary sources
- Song dated 13.6.1839 by B.S. Ingemann to Thorvaldsen.
- Newspaper notice dated 21.6.1839 in Viborg Stiftstidende.
- H.K. Rask (ed.): Morskabslæsning for Den Danske Almue, no 16, 21.6.1839 Copenhagen, p. 255-56 (the song reproduced).
- Carl Bagger (ed.): Bidrag til Tidshistorien. Et Ugeblad i Forbindelse med Fyns Stifts Adresse-Avis, 5.7.1839 (gives the information that the ceremony took place at Sorø Academy, and that the song was sung by the students).
Last updated 19.03.2019