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20.5.1804 Travels from Naples to Rome.
22.5.1811 Reliefs and bust for the Monument to Auguste Böhmer, A700, A701, A702 and A703, are commissioned, and during the year F.W.J. Schelling and Thorvaldsen discuss the execution of the work in their correspondence.
Not later than 8.1.1815 Portrait Bust of Pietro Benvenuti, marble, 71 cm, today on Benvenuti’s tomb in San Lorenzo, Florence. Probably executed by Giovanni Antonio Santarelli.
Not earlier than 17.5.1822 - not later than 22.5.1822 Leaves the fever-stricken Pietro Tenerani with Giuseppe Tenerani in Viterbo.
22.5.1829 A committee led by John C. Hobhouse commissions the statue George Gordon Byron, cf. A130.
Not later than May 1840 Cupid and Hymen, A453.
22.5.1840 Participates in the celebration of Christian 8. and Caroline Amalie’s silver wedding.
23.5.1843 Probably in the Royal Theatre with Christine Stampe.
20.4.1845 Skibet Dania sejler fra Livorno lastet med bl.a. flere støbeforme til Thorvaldsens værker.