Select year or Time-Limits: 17701797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 18091898
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Date Events Whereabouts Works
1803 Briseis and Achilles, A490.
Beginning of 1803 Herman Schubart arrives in Rome and meets Thorvaldsen, probably through Georg Zoëga.
28.1.1803 The clay model for Jason with the Golden Fleece is almost done. The model is seen by Friederike Brun, who then finances the original plaster cast, A52.
Presumably 19.3.1803 - 1815 Studio at 30 Vicolo della Catena, Piazza Barberini, Rome.
19.3.1803 Celebrating the making of the plaster cast of Jason with the Golden Fleece, A52. Thorvaldsen is crowned with a laurel wreath by Ida Brun.
Not earlier than 19.3. - not later than 21.3.1803 Thomas Hope sees Jason with the Golden Fleece, A52, in the studio and commissions a marble version of the statue, A822.
Not earlier than 19.3. - not later than 21.3.1803 Thorvaldsen’s return to Denmark is temporarily postponed due to Thomas Hope’s commission for Jason with the Golden Fleece, A52, in marble, A822.
23.3.1803 Thorvaldsen receives the first part of the payment for Jason with the Golden Fleece, A822 from Thomas Hope.
23.3.1803 - August 1803 Finelli & Keller begin work on Jason with the Golden Fleece, A822.
23.3.1803 - August 1803 Makes a contract with the sculptors Finelli & Keller for the delivery of a block of marble and the execution of the rough carving of Jason with the Golden Fleece, A822.
3.4.1803 Meets Friederike and Ida Brun in the Villa Borghese gardens. Asks Ida to perform artistic poses (attitudes) with the words “oh! just some poses” (“o kuns nogle Stillinger!”).
13.5.1803 Attends the farewell party for Friederike Brun in the company of many Roman notabilities.
Summer 1803 Thorvaldsen is taken ill.
Summer 1803 Spends the summer in Albano, probably in the company of Anna Maria Uhden.
10.6.1803 Friederike and Ida Brun leave Rome.
Presumably September 1803 Returns to Rome from his summer stay at Albano.
November 1803 Herman Schubart encourages his sister Charlotte Schimmelmann to promote Thorvaldsen’s cause in Copenhagen.
Presumably November 1803 - January 1804 Meets Adam Gottlob Detlef Moltke.
November 1803 - January 1804 Adam Gottlob Detlef Moltke, A212.
November 1803 - January 1804 Ivan Vorontsov?, A302.
November 1803 - January 1804 Jevdokija Ivanovna Golitsyna, cf. A304.
Winter 1803 - 1804 Meets the Russian Countess Irina Vorontsova in Rome.