No. 8714 af 10318
Afsender Dato Modtager
John Gibson [+]



20.1.1841-5.2.1842 [+]


Dateringen fremgår af brevet.

Henry Sandbach [+]


Antagelig Hafodunos, Llangernyw


Kommentarerne til dette brev er under udarbejdelse.

20th January – 15th February 1842

Dear Mr Sandbach,
I have postponed writing to you until I had something to say. I have selected a cast for you from one of Thorvaldsen’s bassorilievi, it represents Hector reproving Paris. Helen is at her needle-work listening to the disagreeable reproach of Hector. It is in length three feet one inch and in breadth two feet three inches. I find much difficulty in selecting for there is the size, the subject or the goodness of the work. All his works are fine but those that were near the proper size were not of sufficient interest. The cast is unusually thick and has cost eight scudi, it would have cost you a good deal but the man had a mould already made. I will send off this cast in the spring with the monument of Hope which is now going on and in such beautiful marble. [...]

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Af brevet citeres kun de dele, som vedrører/omhandler Thorvaldsen. Brevet er afskrevet med enkelte ortografiske rettelser og venligt stillet til rådighed af Eric Forster.

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / The National Library of Wales, MS 20566E-24.
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Bertel Thorvaldsen
Sidst opdateret 24.03.2011 Print