

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Sender’s Location



C.F. Hansen

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift.

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevudkastet.


Draft letter dated 1.8.1818.


Rom den 1e August 1818.

Skiøndt min Haand endnu er for svag svagI til at kunne skrive et langt Brev, maae jeg dog min dyrebare Herr EtatsRaad takke Dem, god med faae Ord, for Deres venskabelige SkrivelseII. DenIII til Bygnings ComissionenIV vil underette Dem om, at jeg snart tør Haabe at omfavne Dem i KiøbenhavnV og dette glæder mig inderlig. FreundVI er et haabefuldt ungt Menneske, som der kan blive noget af med Tiiden thi han er god, og stræbsom. KochVII finder en Lejlighed at reise til Grækenland; og jeg har tilraadet ham denne nyttige Reise.

Nu farvel til vi sees

A. Thorvaldsen.

Oversættelse af dokument

Rome, August 1st 1818.

Although my hand is still too weak to be able to write a long letter, my dear Etatsraad [Titular Councillor of State] I must thank you in a few words for your friendly letter. The one for the Building Commission will inform you that I dare hope soon to embrace you in Copenhagen and this pleases me sincerely. Freund is a promising young man, who may succeed in time as he is a fine and hard-working person. Koch finds an opportunity to go to Greece; and I have advised this profitable journey.

Now good-bye for the present,

A. Thorvaldsen.

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

This is a draft of the letter dated 1.8.1818. Apart from a few minor differences, the draft is identical to the final letter.

Document Type

Udkast af koncipist


Herman Schubart

Archival Reference

m28, nr. 64


Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.




  1. Thorvaldsen had suffered from pneumonia and depression in the summer of 1818.

  2. Cf. letter dated 20.6.1818 from C.F. Hansen to Thorvaldsen.

  3. I.e. the letter dated 1.8.1818 from Thorvaldsen to the Building Commission for Christiansborg Palace.

  4. I.e. the Building Commission for Christiansborg

  5. Thorvaldsen had decided to go to Copenhagen in 1819, cf. the subject The Journey to Denmark, July-October 1819.

  6. The Danish-German sculptor Hermann Ernst Freund.

  7. The Danish architect Jørgen Koch, who went to Greece and Istanbul.

Last updated 18.08.2016