Bertel Thorvaldsen
Thorvaldsens røde laksegl med portrætbuste, billedhuggerredskaber samt navnet Thorvaldsen.
Desuden utydeligt poststempel.
Herman Schubart
Udskrift: À Monsieur / Monsieur le Baron de Schubart / Chevalier de l’ordre de Dannebrogue / Chambellan de S.M. Danoise Son / Ministre plenipotiaire et Intendant / genéral du Commerce / Danois en Italie / a / Livorne
Dateringen fremgår af brevet.
Thorvaldsen sends the drawing Caritas, C820, as a birthday present to Jacqueline Schubart.
Rom d. 5 September 1806
Da jeg ikke er saa lykkelig, nærværende at Kunde være deeltagendeI i Deres frue Gemalindes fødselsfestII, saa vær ikke desto mindre forsikret om at jeg hjertelig deltagende Ønsker stedse det, mig ved denne Lejlighed nærværende ønskede at sige.
Og som et beviis paa at jeg med særdeles fornøyelse erindrer mig d. 10 September beder jeg Deres Excellenza paa mine Vegne haver den Godhed at tilbyde hendes Naade medfølgende TegningIII, sigende hende alle de lykønskeninger, som Deres Excellenza ved mig af sand Høyagtelse og stedse Taknemlighed altiid at føle mig skyldig.
Deres underdanigst Teiner
B. Thorvaldsen.
Omnævnte Tegning inpakket i en Blek foderal
med Deres Adresse paa, er afsendt med samme Post
Rome, September 5th 1806
As I am not so happy at present to be able to participate in your wife’s birthday party then feel nevertheless assured that I sincerely sympathetic always wish what I at the present wished to say.
And as proof that I with particular pleasure recollect September 10th I ask Your Excellency on my behalf tp be as kind as to offer to her Grace the drawing that comes with this giving her all the felicitations which Your Excellency knows that I from true reverence and everlasting gratitude always feel are due to her.
Your most humble servant,
B. Thorvaldsen.
The above mentioned drawing packed up in a tin case
with your address has been sent by the same post
[Translated by Karen Husum]
There is a draft of this letter.
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Caritas, 10. september 1806, C820 |
Last updated 28.07.2015
In letter of 15.8.1806, Schubart had invited Thorvaldsen to come to the Schubarts’ country house, Montenero”:/artikler/montenero. In his letter of 8.8.1806, however, the sculptor had already written that his work prevented him from leaving Rome.
I.e. Jacqueline Schubart’s birthday 10.9.1806.
Both in 1804 and in 1805, Thorvaldsen had been with the Schubarts at Montenero at the time of Jacqueline Schubart’s birthday.
There is no doubt that this drawing is Caritas, C820, since it is signed and dated:
“B. Thorvaldsen. inv. e dis. per le 10 Settembre Roma 1806”.
See more about the series of drawings that Thorvaldsen gave to the Schubarts over the years in the article about this.