No. 9376 of 10319
Sender Date Recipient
Christian 8. [+]

Sender’s Location


15.5.1843 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.

Bertel Thorvaldsen [+]

Recipient’s Location



Wishes to see Thorvaldsen’s collection of paintings at Charlottenborg in connection with the annual exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts.

See Original

Hr Conferenzraad Thorvaldsen. Da jeg endnu ønsker at see Udstillingen Onsdag Eftermiddag Kl 5 saa vil Nedtagelsen af Malerierne mv. vel kunne udsættes til Torsdag –
d. 15 Maj 1843
Christian R

Archival Reference
m25 1843, nr. 20
Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, Exhibitions · Thorvaldsen and Danish Kingship · Thorvaldsen's Collection of Paintings
Kunstakademiet, København
Last updated 11.12.2015 Print