No. 9469 of 10319
Sender Date Recipient
G. Borup [+]

Sender’s Location


25.10.1843 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af regningen.

Bertel Thorvaldsen [+]

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift.


The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.

See Original


Fem stykker Læredt a 5 Rbd stykket ——— 25 Rbd ’’ [tegn for mark]
...... En Spade ——— 1 — 4 —
Et Vandkar ——— 2 — ’’ —
En Vandspandt ——— 1 — 1. —
En Svamp ——— 1 — 3 —
Seilgarhn ——— 2 — ’’ —
Søhm ——— 1 — 3 —
Sprøiten ——— 5 — ’’ —

Summa 39 Rbd 5 [tegn for mark].
Betalt. –

Kjøbenhavn dn. 25 October 1843. A: Kolberg . . G Borup.

Archival Reference
gmII, nr. 79
Last updated 10.05.2011 Print