Comment on A Dispute between two Women about Thorvaldsen and his Posthumous Reputation

On a list of paintings in Thorvaldsen’s possession there is a view from Terracina executed by M.a Pugor: Veduta di Terracina, cf. the list dated After 1830. According to Saabye, op. cit. p. 74, the painting with this subject might be identical to the one she completed for Thorvaldsen’s Roman birthday 8.3.1836. A painting with a similar subject was for sale at Brun Rasmussen. It is not known whether this is the same painting, cf. auktion. o?mode=detail&iid=300613676&tg=classic 846/42: Bolette Puggaard: Udsigt over bugten ved Terracina i Italien. Sign. Bolette Puggard 1836. Oil on canvas. 50×63 cm.

A painting with the title Udsigt over Campagna di Roma og Albanerbjærgene fra Egerias Lund also belonged to Thorvaldsens Museum according to Carl Reitzel (red.): Fortegnelse over Danske Kunstneres Arbejder paa de ved Det kgl. Akademi for de skjønne Kunster i Aarene 1807—1882 afholdte Charlottenborg-Udstillinger , Copenhagen 1883, p. 533. Regarding the removal of the paintings and Hans Puggaard’s communication with the museum, see THM, minutes of the Board of Directors I, p. 41, item 10, and journal no. 8b/1848, no. 111; and ibid., p. 55, journal no. 8b/1850, no. 172-173.

Last updated 22.08.2020