Comment on 21.7.1800

Probably Tyge Rothe’s eldest son Andreas Bjørn Rothe.
It may have come as a surprise to Thorvaldsen that the bust of Tyge Rothe, A225, was to be given away. Else Kai Sass writes: “He had regarded the bust as a commission from friends of the deceased and had therefore expected to receive a sum which would benefit his parents as soon as it was delivered. Now the subscribers seemed to have disappeared, and no one knew who was going to pay for the bust.” (Else Kai Sass: Thorvaldsens Portrætbuster, vol. I, Copenhagen 1963, p. 41). However, the son kept the bust and gave it to Thorvaldsen after his return to Denmark in1838 to be exhibited in his museum. See C.F. Wilckens: Træk af Thorvaldsens Konstner- og Omgangsliv, Copenhagen 1874, p. 47.

Last updated 10.01.2018