Not earlier than 24.5.1804
Leaves Rome for Florence in the company of Adam Gottlob Detlef Moltke.
Primary sources
- Passport dated 20.5.1804 from Ercole Consalvi to Thorvaldsen.
- M. Laboureur’s receipt of 24.5.1804 in Rome for Thorvaldsen’s payment for a block of marble.
Other references
- Thiele I, p. 224 (merely gives the date of departure as the end of May. Further, Thiele writes, apparently without support, that after a short stay in Florence Thorvaldsen went to Montenero and then returned to Florence for another short stay, Thiele I, p. 225-26 and 231-33. Concerning this, see bill of presumably June 1804 and the argument for this date).
Last updated 16.06.2014