After 1.2.1842, before 15.2.1842


Bertel Thorvaldsen

Sender’s Location



Christian 8.

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift, da der er tale om et udkast.

Dating based on

Brevudkastet er ikke dateret. Det er et forlæg til brev af 15.2.1842, og skrevet efter at den tyske prinsesse Luise von Mecklenburg-Strelitz var død den 1.2.1842.


Sixth draft of the letter dated 15.2.1842. The draft is considerably longer than the final letter.


Allernaadigste Konge!

Det var mig en sand Glæde ved Hr MüllerI at modtage en SkrivelseII fra Deres Majestæts egen Haand, og ikke mindre kærkommen var mig den Meddelelse deri indeholdtes, at der i Sommer vil blive sendt en FregatIII til Middelhavet, med hvilken Deres Majestæt tillader mig at hjemsende mine KunstsagerIV. I alt dette seer jeg nye Beviser paa Deres Majestæts Naade for mig, hvilket jeg til fulde paaskiønner, og for hvilke jeg aflægger min allerunderdanigste Taksigelse.

At saavel Deres Majestæt selv som vor ophøiede DronningV og den øvrige Kgl Familie nyde det bedste Velbefindende, glædede det mig ved D. M. Skrivelse at forvisses om. Her er det en stor Sorg, Hds Høihed Storhertuginden af Mecklenburg-StrelitzVI har havt: at miste sin Datter;VII jeg tager ret megen Deel i den Bedrøvelse, som dette Dødsfald maa foraarsage Moderen og Søsteren, vor høie KronprindsesseVIII. Jeg havde for nogen Tid siden den Ære at hilse paa Storhertuginden, der ved denne Leilighed yttrede sin Glæde over de gode EfterretningerIX fra Kiøbenhavn.

At Christian d 4des Statue er lykkedes saa godt i StøbningenX, har været mig meget behageligt at erfare; det BasreliefXI, som Deres Majestæt ønsker udført af mig til SarkophagenXII, skal det være mig en Glæde at modellere, saasnart jeg faaer Maalet tilsendt. Hvad angaaer Tegningen til den afdøde PrindsessesXIII GravmindeXIV, da er den blevet mig viist af Oberst PaulsenXV, og jeg har meddeelt ham min MeningXVI om den.

Min ReiseXVII i afvigte Sommer igiennem Tyskland og Schweitz til Italien gik lykkeligt for sig, men efter min Ankomst til Rom var jeg i nogen Tid meget syg;XVIII nu er min Sundheds Tilstand Gudskeelov igeen god og jeg har begyndt det nye Aar med at arbeide flittigt. Saaledes har jeg i Januar Maaned modelleret et Basrelief forestillende Christus i KrybbenXIX, og SkizzenXX til Judas Taddæus’s Statue, hvilken vil blive gjort colosaltXXI, saasnart Andreas’s StatueXXII, der fortiden udføres af GalliXXIII under mit Tilsyn, er færdig. Desuden har jeg været sysselsat med at retouchere nogle af mine ældre for længere Tid siden af Kongen af WürtembergXXIV og til EnglandXXV bestilte Marmor-BasrelieferXXVI, der snart skulle bortsendes. Dernæst er det min Hensigt at modellere de 4 store PropheterXXVII til Frue Kirke og at begynde paa en Række af Basrelieffer, der skulle fremstille Hovedmomenterne i Christi LivXXVIII og slutte sig til det ovennævnte af Christi Fødsel. Til den for Christiansborg Slot udførte Vulcans StatueXXIX bliver i mit StudioXXX en Marmorblok tilhugget.

Der er allerede begyndt paa Indpakningen af mine Sager: et Arbeide, hvilket Hr BravoXXXI har den Godhed at hielpe mig med. Jeg agter at hiemsende alt hvad jeg nogenledes kan undvære her: mit Bibliothek, mine MalerierXXXII, min Samling af GemmerXXXIII og Mynter, og alle de i mine Studier staaende Værker, deels i Gips, deels i Marmor, som ikke allerede haves i Kiobenhavn;XXXIV af disse sidste ere adskillige kun præparerede og bestemte til, hiemme, om Gud vil, at fuldføres af mig. Inden Juli Maaned skal det alt staae beredt i Livorno til at indskibes.

Baron StampesXXXV Huus, hvilket under mit nærværende Ophold i Rom har været mig som et Hiem, har i den senere Tid desværre været meget plaget af Sygdom; ModerenXXXVI og fornemmeligen den ældste DatterXXXVII er endnu meget angrebne. Baronessen har bedet mig at bringe Deres Majestæt hendes allerunderdanigste Hilsen.

Idet jeg endnu engang af Hiertet takker for al den Naade, Deres Majestæt har for mig, slutter jeg med det Ønske, at Gud vil bevare Deres Majestæt og hele den Kgl Familie.


Oversættelse af dokument

Most Gracious King,

It was a true pleasure to receive from Mr. Müller Your Majesty’s gracious letter from which I see with pleasure that a frigate will come to the Mediterranean this summer by which Your Majesty permits me to send home my objects of art. From all this I see further proof of Your Majesty’s favour, which I fully appreciate, and for which I render my most humble thanks.

It pleases me inexpressibly that Your Majesty as well as our exalted Queen and the other royal family are all in perfect health. On several occasions I have had the honour to greet the grand duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, who expressed her joy at the good news I brought her from Your Majesty. The kind duchess has now left, she has had a sad stay here in Rome because she lost her daughter. I sympathize very much with the sorrow, which this death may cause the mother and the sister, our high crown princess.

It has pleased me a lot to learn that the statue of Christian 4th was cast so successfully; The bas-relief, which Your Majesty wishes to be executed by me for the sarcophagus I shall model with pleasure as soon as I receive the measure. As regards the drawing for the deceased princess’ sepulchral monument it has been shown to me by colonel Paulsen and I have given him my opinion about it.

I had a safe journey to Italy, but after my arrival in Rome I was rather ill for some time; now my health is again good, thank goodness and I have started the new year by working hard. In January I have modelled a bas-relief representing Christ in the manger, and the sketch for the statue of Judas Tadeus, which shall be made colossal as soon as Andreas’ statue is finished; it is now being executed by Galli under my supervision. Besides, I have been busy retouching some of my older bas-reliefs in marble commissioned long ago by the King of Würtemberg and for England, which were to be sent away soon. After that, I intend to model the four great prophets for the Church of Our Lady and to begin a series of bas-reliefs, which are to represent the main features in the life of Christ and to link up with the abovementioned one of the birth of Christ. A block of marble is being dressed in my studio for the statue of Vulcan executed for Christiansborg Palace.

The packing up of my things has already begun: a job with which Mr. Bravo is so kind as to help me. I intend to send home all that I can do without here: My library, my paintings, my collection of gems and coins and all the works in my studios, both in plaster and in marble, which are not to be found in Copenhagen already; of the last mentioned several have only been prepared and are intended to be finished by me at home, God willing. Before the month of July it must be ready in Leghorn to be put on board.

The house of Baron Stampe, which has been like a home to me during my present stay in Rome, has lately suffered much from illness; The mother and especially the eldest daughter are still suffering. The baroness has asked me to give her most humble regards to Your Majesty.

Heartily thanking you for Your Majesty’s grace to me I finish with the wish: God save Your Majesty and all the royal family.

Most humble

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

There exist six drafts of the final letter dated 15.2.1842 (read more about Thorvaldsen’s writing difficulties in the article Thorvaldsen’s Letter Writing Process):

Document Type

Udkast af koncipist



Archival Reference

m28A II, nr. 24


Gengivet i Thiele IV p. 178-180.




A152 Christian 4., Tidligst 18. januar 1840 - Tidligst 30. april 1840, A152
A153 Tre genier, 25. november 1842, A153
A105 Judas Thaddæus, Ca. 28. marts 1842 - 10. april 1842, A105
A106 Judas Thaddæus, Tidligst september 1841 - Senest november 1841, A106
A107 Judas Thaddæus, 1841, A107
A108 Andreas, 1. marts 1842, A108
A780 Amor klager til Venus over et bistik, Tidligst 1809 - Senest 19. juli 1811, A780
A425 Hyrdinde med en amorin-rede, Antagelig tidligst september 1831 - Senest november 1831, A425
A642 Barndom eller forår, Primo 1836, A642
A643 Ungdom eller sommer, Primo 1836, A643
A644 Manddom eller efterår, Primo 1836, A644
A645 Alderdom eller vinter, Antagelig 1. januar 1836, A645
A570 Hyrdernes tilbedelse, 1. januar 1842, A570
A573 Kristi dåb, 9. august 1842, A573
A569 Bebudelsen, 20. marts 1842, A569
A571 Flugten til Egypten, Primo 1842, A571
A572 Den tolvårige Jesus i templet, maj 1842, A572
A574 Indtoget i Jerusalem, 1842, A574
A8 Vulkan, Senest april 1838 - 1861, A8


  1. The Danish numismatist, museum inspector, and councillor of state Ludvig Müller, who had travelled to Rome in order to help his ailing brother, the Danish painter Adam Müller.

  2. Cf. letter dated 23.12.1841 from Christian 8. to Thorvaldsen.

  3. The frigate Thesisi

  4. Cf. the article Transportation of Thorvaldsen’s Artworks to Copenhagen 1842.

  5. The Danish Queen Caroline Amalie.

  6. The German Grand Duchess Marie von Mecklenburg-Strelitz.

  7. Her daughter Luise von Mecklenburg-Strelitz, who died 1.2.1842, only 24 years old.

  8. The German Princess Caroline von Mecklenburg-Strelitz, who was called Mariane in Denmark.

  9. Christian 8. had asked Thorvaldsen to inform the Grand Duchess that her daughter, Princess Caroline, was “well and content” in Denmark in her recent marriage to Frederik (7.).

  10. I.e. the bronze casting by Jørgen Dalhoff of Thorvaldsen’s sculpture Christian 4., cf. A152, in Christian 4.’s chapel, Roskilde Cathedral.

  11. I.e. Three Genii, 1842, cf. A153, which symbolize Christian 4.’s motto “Regna firmat pietas”. A bronze version by Jørgen Dalhoff is placed in Christian 4.’s chapel in Roskilde Cathedral.

  12. The Danish architect G.F. Hetsch made several proposals for the decoration of Christian 4.’s chapel, one of which was a proposal for a monumental sarcophagus which was to contain the coffin and also form the base of Thorvaldsen’s statue of Christian 4. This proposal was not realized. There exist 22 drawings for the chapel in the archives of Roskilde Cathedral.

  13. The Danish-German Princess Charlotte Frederikke, who had died in 1840, and who had been Christian 8.’s first wife.

  14. The sepulchral monument to Charlotte Frederikke, who is buried in the Campo Santo Teutonico near St. Peter’s in Rome, was executed by the Danish sculptor J.A. Jerichau and placed after 1848.

  15. The Danish lieutenant-colonel and chamberlain to Charlotte Frederikke, Fritz Paulsen, Thorvaldsen’s son-in-law.

  16. It is not known whether Thorvaldsen was to execute the monument or merely play an advisory role. It was executed by J.A. Jerichau.

  17. Cf. the article Thorvaldsen’s Journey to Rome, May-September 1841.

  18. See also documents connected with the subject Thorvaldsen’s Health.

  19. Cf. The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1842, A570.

  20. See two models of Judas Thaddeus, A106 and A107.

  21. Cf. Judas Thaddeus, 10.4.1842, original model, A105.

  22. Cf. Andrew, 1.3.1842, original model, A108.

  23. Probably the Italian sculptor Pietro Galli. See also the article Thorvaldsen’s Assistants.

  24. The king of Württemberg Wilhelm 1.

  25. The reliefs commissioned from England have not been identified.

  26. Wilhelm 1. had commissioned the following reliefs: The Seasons, A642, A643, A644, A645, Shepherdess with a Nest of Cupids, A425, and Cupid Complains to Venus about a Bee Sting, A780, cf. the Thorvaldsen Chronology 1837 and 1839.

  27. .e. the four so-called “Major Prophets” of the Old Testament , Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, which C.F. Hansen had proposed for the entrance portal of the Church of Our Lady in Copenhagen, cf. letter dated 7.5.1827 from C.F. Hansen to Thorvaldsen. However, the prophets were never realized, cf. the article the Commission for the Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen.

  28. The series with motifs from the life of Christ includes six reliefs:

  29. I.e. Thorvaldsens statue Vulcan, A8, which ended up in Thorvaldsens Museum. The marble version was begun in Rome not later than April 1838. Later, in 1844, it was transported to Copenhagen, see Transportation of Thorvaldsens Artworks 1844. The statue was not finished until 1861 in Copenhagen.
    This commission for Christiansborg Palace was never realized, but Thorvaldsen had planned to decorate a room in the castle with three statues, viz. Vulcan, Mars and Cupid, cf. A6, and Venus with the Apple, f. A853. Together, the three statues were to form a kind of three-dimensional response to the relief Venus, Mars and Cupid in the Smithy of Vulcan, cf. A419, which illustrates the antique poet Anacreon’s 45th song.

  30. Cf. the article Thorvaldsen’s Workshops.

  31. The Danish painter, consul and councillor of state Johan Bravo.

  32. See Thorvaldsen’s collection of paintings here.

  33. See Thorvaldsen’s collection of gems here.

  34. See which of Thorvaldsen’s artworks had already been sent to Copenhagen in the articles:

  35. The Danish Baron Henrik Stampe.

  36. The Danish Baroness Christine Stampe.

  37. The Danish Baroness Elise Stampe.

Last updated 31.08.2017