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23.9.1804 Appointed professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Accademia Fiorentina.
Begun 19.10.1819 - completed 9.6.1821 Monument to Stanislaus Chaudoir’s wife, cf. A624, is carved in marble.
23.10.1820 Arrives in Cracow and lodges probably at the Hôtel au Providence.
Not earlier than 24.10. - not later than 28.10.1820 Probably visits the place where the Kościuszko Mound in Kraków was built.
23.10.1833 Attends a soirée at the residence of Princess Charlotte Frederikke, where H.C. Andersen reads from his works.
23.10.1834 Receives a visit from Martinus Rørbye and Ditlev Blunck.
23.10.1838 Present at the installation of the pediment group Johannes Døberens prædiken, modelled 1821-1822, jf. A59, A60, A61, A62, A63, A64, A65, A66, A67, A68, A69 og A70, above the main entrance to the Church of Our Lady in Copenhagen.
19.11.1838 The pediment group for the facade of the cathedral of Copenhagen, John the Baptist Preaching, A59-A70, is unveiled. Installed by H.E. Freund.
23.10.1842 The steamship Frederik den sjette anchors at Vordingborg due to bad weather.
23.10.1842 The daughters of G.F. Hetsch and C.W. Eckersberg decorate Thorvaldsen’s studio with wreaths on the occasion of his approaching return.