Documents from/to J.L. Lund to/from others than Thorvaldsen
J.F. Clemens
J.L. Lund
On behalf of Johan Bülow, Clemens inquires about Thorvaldsen’s price of a marble copy of an...
J.F. Clemens
J.L. Lund
Several messages concerning, among other things, Johan Bülow’s interset in a marble copy of...
J.L. Lund
Carl Anton Graff
Greetings and reports from mainly the Danish-German art society in Rome.
F. Kamp
J.L. Lund
Greetings to Thorvaldsen and Lund from the Duchesse of Augustenborg, Louise Augusta.
Bing & Ferslew, H.W. Bissen, C.W. Eckersberg, J.L. Lund
The commentary for this document is not available at the moment.
H.W. Bissen, C.W. Eckersberg, Redaktørerne ved Flyve-Posten, J.L. Lund
The commentary for this document is not available at the moment.