Documents from/to Luigi Basiletti to/from others than Thorvaldsen


Giovanni Battista Bassi

Luigi Basiletti

Bassi has visited Thorvaldsen and seen the group Ganymede with Jupiter’s Eagle, cf. A44, which ha...


Luigi Basiletti

Paolo Tosio

Basiletti asks a question on behalf of the Guarneri family, probably concerning an acquaintance o...


Luigi Basiletti

Paolo Tosio

Basiletti tells Tosio that he has received the sculpture Ganymede with Jupiter’s Eagle, cf. A44. ...


Luigi Basiletti

Paolo Tosio

Basiletti sends news to Tosio, who is staying at Asola. He has written to one Manini in Milan reg...


Luigi Basiletti

Paolo Tosio

Basiletti has completed a drawing for Tosio of Thorvaldsen’s sculpture Ganymede with Jupiter’s Ea...

Antagelig efter 1819

Luigi Basiletti

Paolo Tosio

Basiletti sends some engravings to Tosio, among them reproductions of works by Canova and Thorval...