

Christian Horneman

Sender’s Location



Bertel Thorvaldsen

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Udskrift: ST/Herr EtatsraadI og RidderII / Thorwaldsen / Rom.
Tilskrift: S T Etatzraad Thorwaldsen.

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.


Recommendation of the Danish architect Ole Jørgen Schmidt, who is going to Italy. Horneman’s health is poor. He has a good deal of work but is in competition with the Danish portait painter C.A. Jensen.


Copenhagn d. 27 Nov 1824

Høystærede kiere Ven
Da jeg haaber at De har modtaget mit Brev med Hr BissenIII, saa tager jeg mig dog den Frihed hermed at recommandere Dem Hr SmidtIV Architect, han er en ung Mand af megen Talent og har han vundet fleere MidaillerV, han ønsker at blive i Rom et par Aar.
Hvad mig selv angaar da er min Sundhed ikke den BedsteVI næsten idelig plaget af Svimmel og Mave Svækkelse har jeg Perioder hvor jeg er meget Ulykkelig dette har nu varet over to Maaneder, min Doctor meener at det vilde være got om jeg lod Hovedet afhukkeVII, jeg troer det vilde hielpe. – I øvrigt har jeg i Aar havt meget at bestille, men jeg og de andreVIII har faaet en slem Rival i JensenIX han maler derpaa løs baade store og smaaX, de siger han treffer saa rartXI, og han maler for godt KiøbXII, nu maler han KongensXIII yngste DatterXIV og Prinsesse CharlotteXV. nu lev evig väl det ønsker Deres

Hengivne Ven og Tiener
C Horneman

Oversættelse af dokument

Copenhagen, November 27th, 1824

Dear friend,
As I hope you have received my letter from Mr Bissen I take the liberty to commend Mr Smidt, an architect to you, he is a young, gifted person and he has won several medals, he wants to stay in Rome for a couple of years.
As for me, my health is not very good. I almost always feel dizzy and suffer from stomach trouble and there are times when I feel very unhappy; this has lasted for more than two months. My doctor thinks it would be an idea to have my head cut off, I think it would help. – Besides I have had much to do this year, but I and the others have got a serious competitor in Jensen he paints away high and low, they say he manages a fair likeness, and he paints at low prices. He is now painting the King’s youngest daughter and Princess Charlotte. Now I wish you good health, Yours

Faithful friend and servant,
C Horneman

[Translated by Karen Husum]

Archival Reference

m9 1824, nr. 98


Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.




  1. Thorvaldsen was made titular councillor of state 12.11.1819. See also the related article Thorvaldsen’s Honorary Titles.

  2. Thorvaldsen was:

    See also the related article Thorvaldsen’s Honorary Titles.

  3. The Danish sculptor H.W. Bissen.

  4. The Danish architect Ole Jørgen Schmidt.

  5. Cf. the biography Ole Jørgen Schmidt:

  6. In the latter part of his life, Horneman suffered from ill-health. Eventually, his legs were paralyzed, and he was unable to leave his residence at Charlottenborg, cf. his biography.

  7. Horneman often adopts a humorous tone in his letters to
    Thorvaldsen, see also e.g. 4.5.1829.

  8. The other Danish portrait painter as e.g. C.W. Eckersberg and J.L. Lund.

  9. The Danish painter C.A. Jensen.

  10. Dvs. både rig og fattig, høj og lav, kendte og ukendte personer.

  11. I.e. makes the painting look like the sitter. The Danish word [“rar”], however, is ambiguous as it can be used in a laudatory way about something that is particularly good, but it can also have a more or less disparaging sense.

  12. Dvs. billigt. I Ordbog over det danske Sprog har adjektivet “godtkøbs” en bibetydning af noget uoriginalt og ordinært. Hornemans brug af netop dette ord peger på en slet skjult kritik i hans vurdering af C.A. Jensen.

  13. The Danish King Frederik 6.

  14. The Danish Princess Vilhelmine.
  15. The Danish Princess Charlotte (1789-1864), the sister of Christian 8.

Last updated 18.09.2017