Bertel Thorvaldsen
Brevet er endnu ikke sammenholdt med originalen, og informationer om eventuelle stempler og segl kendes derfor endnu ikke.
Jørgen Koch
Udskrift: ST Hr Etatsraad Koch.
Dateringen fremgår af brevet.
Thorvaldsen declines an invitation on the ground that he has already accepted an invitation to J.F. Schouw’s birthday.
S.T. Hr. Etatsraad Koch.
Da jeg har lovet mig bort for lang tid siden, til Professor SchouvsI Fødselsdag, uden at vide at det netop var paa Onsdag d. 7deII, beklager jeg meget, at maatte renoncere paa Deres ærede InbydelseIII
erbødigst | |
Charlottenborg d 3: F: 1844. | A: Thorvaldsen |
S.T. Titular Councillor of State,
As I have long ago accepted another invitation to professor Schouv’s birthday without knowing that it was exactly on Wednesday the 7th I am sorry to have to renounce your invitation.
Yours faithfully | |
Charlottenborg, Febr. 3rd 1844 | A. Thorvaldsen |
[Translated by Karen Husum]
Christine Stampe
Last updated 18.08.2016
The Danish botanist and politician J.F. Schouw, who was the brother-in-law of the copyist of the letter Christine Stampe.
See the Thorvaldsen chronology 7.2.1844.
The invitation dated before 3.2.1844 from Jørgen Koch to Thorvaldsen has not been identified. See also the article Lost Letters.