

Bertel Thorvaldsen

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Frederik 6.

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Thorvaldsen recommends the history painter Andreas Ludvig Koop to the King and suggests that he be given commissions so that he can support himself and develop his talent.


Ligesom jeg tidligere med Glæde meddelte Hr: Historiemaler A: KoopI et VidnesbyrdII, hvori jeg, Sandheden tro, omtaler paa det varmeste hans Flid og overordentlige Fremskridt i Konsten, saaledes kan jeg efter hans senest udførte Arbeider ikke andet end blive min første Mening tro, og anbefaler ham til Hans Majestæt Kongens Naade med al den Deeltagelse, som hans Talent fortjener, forenet med hans utrættelige Iver for stedse at gjøre sig mere fuldkommen i hans vanskelige Fag; jeg tillader mig tillige at yttre, at et ham allernaadigst forundt Overdragende af et Arbeide af Omfang, saavel vilde give Hr Koop Anledning til paa en tilfredsstillende Maade at udøve sine erhvervede Kundskaber, som ogsaa være en fortjent Opmuntring og den Udvej for ham, der ene er istand til at holde trykkende Næringssorger borte fra ham og hans liden FamilieIII. –
Rom d: 1ste. November 1830. Albert Thorvaldsen

Oversættelse af dokument

Just as before I with pleasure gave historical painter Mr A. Koop a good testimony in which true to truth I warmly mention his diligence and extreme progress in art I cannot but stay true to my first opinion after his latest executed works. I recommend him to the grace of His Royal Majesty with all the sympathy, which his talent deserves combined with his tireless anxiety always to become more perfect in his difficult profession. Furthermore, I venture to say that work of some dimensions most graciously assigned to him would be occasion for Mr Koop to practise his acquired knowledge satisfactorily as well as be a deserved encouragement and the only means for him able to keep pressing financial difficulties away from him and his small family. –
Rome, November 1st 1830. Albert Thorvaldsen

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

Thorvaldsen probably sent a similar request= to the secretary of Fonden ad usus publicos, Jonas Collin.

The request was apparently successful since Collin informed Thorvaldsen, in a letter dated 29.1.1831, that Koop had received a grant of 100 species from the King.

Archival Reference

Rigsarkivet, Fonden ad usus publicos’ arkiv, Journalsag nr. 72/1830


Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.




  1. I.e. the Danish history painter Andreas Ludvig Koop.

  2. This recommendation is not known.

  3. In 1825, Koop married the architect J.L. Thrane’s widow Giacinta, with whom he had lived since 1821. Thus both their own children and the wife’s children of her first marriage were part of the family.

Last updated 04.04.2017