

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Sender’s Location



Hermann Ernst Freund

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift.
Tilskrift: Til Hr Freund

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.


Thorvaldsen requests information about the execution of the figure of Christ in Carrara. Freund is asked to refuse the sculptor Hans Michelsen’s application for work with Thorvaldsen. Freund is wished a pleasant journey back to Denmark.


Rom d. 2 Februar 1828.


Jeg har hørt at De er kommet tilbageII til Florentz og beder Dem at sige mig nogetIII angaaende Christus FigurenIV om Marmoret etc etc.
Jeg formoder at indlagte BrevV er fra MichelsenVI at jeg skulde forskaffe ham Arbeid som jeg ikke paa nogen Maade kan, da jeg nu paa min gamle Alder ophører at tage andre Arbeider og ArbeidereVII.
Iøvrigt ønsker jeg Dem en lykkelig Reise og alt mueligt HeldVIII i Fædrenelandet og mange Hilsener bringes Dem fra vore Landsmænd her, men i Særdeleshed fra

Deres Hengivne Ven
A Thorvaldsen

Oversættelse af dokument

Rome, February 2nd 1828


I have heard that you have returned to Florence and beg you to give me some information about the Christ figure, about the marble etc. etc.
I presume that the enclosed letter is from Michelsen that I was to get him some work, which I cannot possibly do, as I now in my old age cease accepting other works and assistants.
Besides I wish you a happy journey and all good fortune in the native land and my regards are sent to you from our countrymen here, but particularly from

Yours ever friend,
A Thorvaldsen

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

Thorvaldsen wrote this message on the back of a letter dated 12.1.1828 from Jonas Collin to Thorvaldsen, which contained information about a letter of credit to Freund, so Thorvaldsen chose to forward Collin’s letter to make sure that Freund got the correct information.

Archival Reference

Håndskriftafdelingen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Add. 257, 2°


Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.

Other references




A82 Kristus, Antagelig november 1821 - Senest januar 1822, inv.nr. A82


  1. I.e. Latin “pro memoria”, “to recall oneself to somebody.”

  2. Hermann Ernst Freund was on his way back to Denmark after having accompanied crates with Thorvaldsen’s works from Rom to Leghorn and passed through Carrara in order to inspect the work on the figure of Christ, cf. A82.

  3. See letter dated 6.2.1828 from Hermann Ernst Freund to Thorvaldsen.

  4. Christ, cf. A82, which was being carved in marble at Carrara for the Church of Our Lady, Copenhagen, cf. the related article Commission for the Church of Our Lady.

  5. Cf. letter dated 14.12.1827 from Hans Michelsen to Thorvaldsen.

  6. The Norwegian sculptor Hans Michelsen.

  7. See also the related article Thorvaldsen’s Assistants.

  8. Hermann Ernst Freund was going back to Denmark in order to become professor of sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, cf.:

Last updated 27.02.2017