Documents in which Jakub Tatarkiewicz is mentioned
Maria Szymanowska
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Szymanowska writes from Paris, where she is staying at the moment because her English audience ar...
Maria Szymanowska
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Szymanowska, who is now living in Saint Petersburg in order to be able to support her family, sen...
Anna Potocka
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Potocka wants to know what Thorvaldsen is working on at the moment, and what progress is being ma...
Anna Potocka
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Anna Potocka mentions that she wrote to Thorvaldsen from Vienna five months ago but received no a...
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Maria Szymanowska
Thorvaldsen is pleased to hear that the crate with Nicolaus Copernicus and Szymanowska’s bu...