Documents in which Jørgen Conrad de Falsen is mentioned


P.O. Brøndsted

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Brøndsted wonders why he has had no answer to the commission for a monument transmitted in his la...


P.O. Brøndsted

Bertel Thorvaldsen

Brøndsted has finally received an answer from Thorvaldsen to his latest letters, one of which has...


Peder Brønnum Scavenius

Peder Brønnum Scavenius

Scavenius’ diary describing a four-day hiking and horse riding trip to the Alban Hills with...


P.O. Brøndsted

Andreas Christian Gierlew

Brøndsted thanks Gierlew for his letter. He is currently editing his investigations from his expe...


Hermann Ernst Freund

Bertel Thorvaldsen

List of those of Thorvaldsen’s artworks which were put on board the brig St. Croix in order...


Frederik Siegfried Vogt

Bertel Thorvaldsen

The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.