Documents in which Heinrich Buntzen is mentioned
Just Mathias Thiele
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Thiele writes about H.W. Bissen’s appointment as professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenha...
Caroline Buntzen
Bertel Thorvaldsen
Buntzen’s receipt for her husband, Heinrich Buntzen’s painting Oak trees by a pool, 1...
Christine Stampe
The script of Christine Stampe’s memoirs on Thorvaldsen. This is the 54th part of 60 in all.
Jonas Collin
H.N. Clausen, A.C. Kierulff, J.F. Schouw
Collin reports the painters Carl Dahl’s and Heinrich Buntzen’s requests for the remaining payment...
Jonas Collin
J.F. Schouw
Collin asks Schouw to confirm that it is acceptable to pay the marine painter Carl Dahl the balan...
Jonas Collin
Eksekutorerne for Thorvaldsens bo
The commentary for this account is not available at the moment.