Documents in which Accademia Tiberina is mentioned

1826-1827 (1876)

N.C.L. Abrahams


Abrahams’ recollections of his stay in Rome 1826-27.


Pietro Ercole Visconti

Bertel Thorvaldsen

A dedication to Thorvaldsen.


Heinrich Keller

Friederike Brun

Kommentarerne til dette dokument er under udarbejdelse.


H.C. Andersen

H.C. Andersen

Andersen has attended an evening of poetry reading at the Accademia Tiberina together with Henrik...

Sandsynligvis 1836

Gaspare Servi

Bertel Thorvaldsen

A dedication to Thorvaldsen.

Efter 12.9.1841

Cesare Masini

Bertel Thorvaldsen

A dedication to Thorvaldsen.