No. 3608 of 10319
Sender Date Recipient
Bertel Thorvaldsen [+]

Sender’s Location


8.12.1824 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.

Fonden ad usus publicos [+]

Recipient’s Location



Thorvaldsen recommends the history painter Andreas Ludvig Koop.


Den vedvarende Flid hvorved Historiemaler A Koop søger at gjøre sig Opholdet i Rom nyttigt, og de gode Frembringelser i Konsten, som stedse mere og mere vise den fordelagtige Indflydelse, som Roms Mesterværker have bibragt hans Aand, gjør mig det stedse behageligere at anbefale denne flittige og genialske Landsmand til Hans Majestæt Kongens Naade, med det Ønske, at en fortsat allernaadigst Understøttelse maatte sætte ham istand til at naae det hæderlige Maal, hvortil hans Evner svare.

Albert Thorvaldsen

Rom d: 8t. December 1824.

General Comment

This draft of a recommendation is written in support of one of Koop’s many applications to Fonden ad Usus Publicos, since the letter is addressed to “His Majesty the King”, i.e. Frederik 6., who had the final say in the foundation. Koop obtained support in 1821, 1824-1827, and 1830-1832.

Today only a copy of the letter exists in Thorvaldsens Museum, 7 II 15 / 1936. As this is only a copy of the first page of the letter, it is impossible to determine whether the recommendation was sent off.

Archival Reference
m35 II, nr. 14
Document Type
Document, autograph
Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.
Recommendation by Thorvaldsen · Thorvaldsen as Mentor for Other Artists
Frederik 6. · Andreas Ludvig Koop
Last updated 17.11.2015 Print