

Bertel Thorvaldsen

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Fonden ad usus publicos

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Thorvaldsen recommends the history painter Andreas Ludvig Koop.


Den vedvarende Flid hvorved Historiemaler A KoopI søger at gjøre sig Opholdet i Rom nyttigt, og de gode Frembringelser i Konsten, som stedse mere og mere vise den fordelagtige Indflydelse, som Roms Mesterværker have bibragt hans Aand, gjør mig det stedse behageligere at anbefale denne flittige og genialske Landsmand til Hans Majestæt KongensII Naade, med det Ønske, at en fortsat allernaadigst Understøttelse maatte sætte ham istand til at naae det hæderlige MaalIII, hvortil hans Evner svare.

Albert Thorvaldsen

Rom d: 8t. December 1824.

Oversættelse af dokument

The lasting diligence with which historical painter A. Koop seeks to make useful his stay in Rome and his good products in art which increasingly demonstrate the favourable influence which the masterpieces of Rome have lent to his mind make it ever more pleasant to recommend this diligent countryman of genius to the grace of His Majesty the King with the wish that a continued most gracious support might enable him to reach the honest aim which corresponds to his abilities.

Albert Thorvaldsen

Rome, December 8th 1824

[Translated by Karen Husum]

General Comment

This draft of a recommendation is written in support of one of Koop’s many applications to Fonden ad Usus Publicos, since the letter is addressed to “His Majesty the King”, i.e. Frederik 6., who had the final say in the foundation. Koop obtained support in 1821, 1824-1827, and 1830-1832.

Today only a copy of the letter exists in Thorvaldsens Museum, j.nr. 7 II 15 / 1936. As this is only a copy of the first page of the letter, it is impossible to determine whether the recommendation was sent off.

Document Type

Færdigt egenhændigt dokument

Archival Reference

m35 II, nr. 14


Ikke omtalt hos Thiele.




  1. The Danish history painter Andreas Ludvig Koop.

  2. I.e. Frederik 6., see the general comment.

  3. However, Koop did not live up to expectations as he was never accepted by the Academy of Fine Arts and died in poverty in Rome.

Last updated 17.11.2015