No. 8771 of 10319
Sender Date Recipient
Gyldendals boghandel [+]

Sender’s Location


24.3.1841 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af regningen.

J.F. Schouw [+]

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Ingen udskrift.


The commentary for this bill is not available at the moment.

See Original

Hr Herr Professor Schouv, R. af D
fra den Gyldendalske Boghandling efter Ordre.

Kiøbenhavn, 24/3 184 1
1 Tieck, Wittoria Accoranbona 1-2
Rbd. ß
4 ––
General Comment

De fortrykte dele af dette dokument er markeret med gråt.

Archival Reference
gmIV, nr. 33
Last updated 10.05.2011 Print