No. 2441 of 10318
Sender Date Recipient
John Gibson [+]

Sender’s Location


Information on sender

Brevet har været forseglet.

19.11.1819 [+]

Dating based on

Dateringen fremgår af brevet.

John Crouchley [+]

Recipient’s Location


Information on recipient

Udskrift: J.B. Crouchley Esq:r / Bedford Place / Harrigton / Liverpool / Rome Nov.r
Poststemplet: ”[XX]PO / 15 / 1819” og “C[X]E / C 15 / 1819”.


The commentary for this letter is not available at the moment.

19th Novem:r 1819

[...] Thorwalsden has gone to visit his own native country, aft[er] an absence of twenty three years. When the Duke of Devonshire was here he gave Thorvaldsen an order for a Venus. She is represented as just having received the golden apple from Paris and taking up her mantle to go away thus [her har Gibson skitseret Thorvaldsens Venus, jf. A12]
This great artist has made a group of the three graces to rival those of Canova. The composition I like, at the same time perhaps the figures are too much apart, too much open space between them as for the forms they bear no comparison to Canova’s. Thorwal.n has a pupil an Italian his name is Tenerani and has made a Venus which I think would do honour to Praxiteles. Cupid is drawing the thorn out of her foot thus [Gibson har skitseret Teneranis skulptur]
The forms are divine, after seeing it in clay nearly finished, I felt a sinking at the heart and depression of mind for several days. [...]

General Comment

Af brevet citeres kun de dele, som vedrører/omhandler Thorvaldsen. Brevet er afskrevet og venligt stillet til rådighed af Eric Forster. Det er her gengivet i overensstemmelse med originalbrevet.

Archival Reference
Liverpool Record Office, Liverpool Libraries, MD207/6.
Criticism of Thorvaldsen's Works, Negative · Criticism of Thorvaldsen's Works, Positive · Artistic Environment in Rome · Journey to Denmark, July-October 1819 · Statues, Classical Mythology · Thorvaldsen and Canova · Thorvalden's Assistants
Antonio Canova · William Cavendish · Pietro Tenerani · Bertel Thorvaldsen
Last updated 21.07.2014 Print