Comment on 4.4.1800

The marble bust of A.P. Bernstorff, which Thorvaldsen carved in Rome ca. 1797-98, see his draft of ultimo 1797 to Abildgaard. On the basis of the mask, A724, of the bust, A856, from 1795, Thorvaldsen modelled a new bust of Bernstorff in 1797 in the classical style or à la romaine, i.e. without a whig and drapings. The original plaster model of this bust is in Thorvaldsens Museum, A208, while the marble version today is at Brahetrolleborg.
See Else Kai Sass: Thorvaldsens Portrætbuster, Copenhagen 1963-65, vol. III, p. 60 (no 15) & 62 (no 27).

Last updated 20.01.2015